Love can not heal me

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I go this idea from a video from youtube soon u will see the video until the end above it's sad but it made me think of how juvia was bullied and how much that can hurt some one but yet she still loves gray so ya! hope u enjoy
                 ______part 1________
juvia POV

it was silent.... everyone held a surprise look as if they had just seen a ghost. I knew I had to say something but what could I say... they knew now what I was facing... they knew that i... juvia lockser hated her self and of course they were upset why wouldn't they... after all they all just found out the cheerful juvia lockser hated her self and there was no way they could help me... want to see how this came well it all started this morning...
   (flash back)
today was a normal day i did my morning routine and got ready to see my dear gray~sama. I ran all the way to the guild happy as ever so excited after all I haven't seen my dear loved one in a week but once I got there I saw that there were decorations around the guild and at that moment I realized that today was my birthday as everything around my turns silent and all I could hear as my hitched breathing but I could see everyone popping out with open mouths saying something but at that moment i did not care becuase at that moment i just wanted to go home but in a flash then a eye I was being hugged by all my guild mates but the world seemed as if it was spinning and my eyes wondered around quickly looking for a way, a way out I could not breath, j could not hear, I could not stop it, stop my anxiety building up as it did over the years but as if on cue it all just stopped my breathing calmed down and I could finally hear, i could focus my eyes on only him. he held a concerned gaze to me but I could hear what he was saying.
"juvia u okay?"
of course how could I not with u here...
I just smiled and nodded "of course gray~sama" why was it that it felt like a lie but yet it felt so true.
as time passed and the day was coming to an end Eriza decided that we should play a game....truth or dare. and as time passed laughs and joy but Eriza had the floor this time and choose me "ok juvia truth or dare?" and with out thinking I choose truth.
But as if time slowed she frowned making me confused. "reallyer u... seemed upset when u found out it was your birthday.... why?" everyone soon looked my way confused as well and concerned I just froze... i knew the answer... I knew it but how could I say it.
hate ..
my birthday...
I hate my self."
it was still silent and tears fell from there eyes I knew that it hurt them but they could not do anything about because that part of me died years ago.
"....W-Why?"lucy said but j only looked at her and smiled

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thank h so much for reading I hope u liked it because there is a second part.

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