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While coming on the way from Dragneel residence along with her elder brother who came to leave his girlfriend home, Sylvia decided to open her relationship with Luke to Storm.

"Onii-chan, I want to tell you something which is very personal and want to hear your opinion." Sylvia said with a blush.

Storm rolled his eyes and casted a confused look on his sister, "What?" He didn't miss the scarlet hues on her cheeks and ears. He had a slight idea on what his sister was going to tell because even he had been through this 3 years back.

"I love Luke. We are been dating for 4 months now. Can you help me convincing daddy about this matter?" Sylvai clapped her hands together and showed her puppy blue eyes which could make anyone go weak on their knees.

Storm was literally shocked to hear the news as he couldn't believe his sister and his girlfriend's brother to be in love with each other.

But after few minutes he calmed down after hearing their story. Storm believed Luke is the right guy for his sister as he was just like his mother personality wise.

"I'm relieved its Luke not some stranger. So did you tell mom and dad about this?" He asked her.

Sylvia looked sad and told him about her fear. Storm ruffled her hairs, "See later at night disclose this matter to mom. I'm sure she will be happy about this. And she's the only one who can handle dad after he gets to know about this. Don't worry everything will be alright." 

Sylvia smiled and hugged her brother tightly, "Thank you onii-chan. I love you. I'm happy you accepted our relationship. Thank you."

"I love you too, Sylvia. Come let's go home. You have lot of work to be done." Storm led her towards their home.

Later at night, after dinner Sylvia disclosed her love matter to her mom. Juvia became so happy to hear this news and both mother and daughter discussed various related to the subject which made the little red as a tomato.

"Dear don't worry. Mummy will take care of handling your daddy. Even he will be happy about it once he calms down. I have a plan to help your prince.
    Tomorrow night, let's invite the Dragneels for dinner. Then Luke can slowly open up the matter to your daddy. What you say, dear?" Juvia asked as she ruffled her daughter's hairs.

"Anything you say mummy." She smiled brightly and hugged her.


Next night, Natsu, Lucy along with their kids came to have dinner with the Fullbusters.

At first, Gray was reluctant of this sudden idea but anyways complied to it at the end.

As the door bell rings, Juvia goes to attend her guest happily. " Hi Natsu-San, Lucy-San thank you for coming. Please come in. Hey Nashi, Luke come in kids."

"Juvia, thank you for having us. Here a small gift for you guys." Lucy handed a small bag to her friend.

As soon as Natsu entered the living room, Silver ran upto him and hugged his legs which made Gray look horrid.

Natsu smiled and lifted the little boy into his arms and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Hey Silver, how are you? Looks like you have grown up in these 2 weeks." Natsu grinned.

Silver also kissed his uncle's cheeks and greeted him back. Gray knew his youngest son and his frenemy loved each other evry much as the later has the charm to attract any kids around with his childish attitude.

The women giggled seeing th interaction and Gray's face while Storm and Nashi were busy with their own talks.

Now Luke searched for his love interest but she was nowhere to be found.

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