finding him part 1

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A/N: it's gonna be a little iffy and then it'll make sense :)
I hope you like it

Storms pov

Yelled my pinkette girlfriend also known as Nashi.

"Yeah well now I have no idea where we are." I said and looked around until my eyes came across a news paper.

My eyes widened!
"Nashi were in year ****" I looked at her.

"Isn't that when my mom and everyone were kids!?" She said taking the news paper.

"Yup look" I said and pointed at the artical about her dad and my mom
destroying a building.

"Damn babe your mom sure can cause some chaos" she smiled and then yelled. "WAIT IF WERE IN THE PAST HOW DO WE GET BACK AND IF WERE IN THE PAST YOUR DADS STILL HERE". Flames grew on her arms and around her. She had a bad cause of anxiety and sometimes her overthinking is dangerous.

"Nashi look at me." I said and grabbed her face and looked into the brown as they raced with panic.

"We'll be fine, we just have to find aunty Levy and she'll help," I said and the flames began to calm down.

"Okay okay okay, We can do this"
She said and we made our way to fairytail.

Greys pov
"Grey-sama can we go on mission" asked the cute but overly clinging bluette.

"Juvia I-"

"HEY DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW LEVY MCGARDEN" A girl with pink hair yelled kicking open the doors.

"Who's askin" Gajeel asked standing and walking over to the girl.

"I know for a hundred percent you're not her, ya over sized metal dragon" the girl sassed and crossed her arms.

"When I said, we walked in and ask, I meant we do it like fans not challenger's" Spoke a boy with dark blue hair and glared at the girl.

"I'm sorry, my girlfriend is a little exctited, we just wanted to speak with ms.Levy for a spell." He said and held the girls hand, it's was shaking?

"Um hi, I'm Levy what would you like"
Levy said getting up and moved Gajeel out of the way.

The boy smiled and looked at Levy and whispered, Levy's eyes widened and she pulled the kids with her into the library.

"Gajeel come," levy yelled.

"Why does the girl smell like Lucy and the boy like Juvia" Natsu asked happy on his head.

"he smells like Juvia, what's Juvias sent" the water girl asked

'Spring and wild berries"
I said before being able to stop myself.

"W-wild berries!?" Juvia blushed.

"Storms pov"
"My dad or as you know Grey disappeared after a mission and didn't return its been about a year and Me and Nashi were looking in the library and learning about the mission he took and then she opened the wrong book ."
I said while Nashi and Gajeel were arm wrestling.

"Okay well it's gonna take me some days maybe a week but I'll get you home for now I'd keep a low profile"
She said and looked at Nashi.

"Oi will be fine, we just gotta keep quiet"
Nashi said and picked up my hand.

"Yes because your middle names 'quiet" I laughed

"Wait Ice prick and Flame idiots kids are dating" Gajeel said and started to laugh.

"Oh my mavis that's great" he laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.

"So Stor-" Nashis head shot up and moved to the door and flung it open.

There fell Juvia and Natsu.

"So ya spying on us eh Mr." Nashi pointed at her dad and my mom looked at me like she knew.

"Why do you smell like Lucy and you Juvia" he pointed.

"We use the same soap, get over it" Nashi said and marched into the front.

My girlfriend was many things, but stupid wasn't it. She could act like an idiot but when it came down to it she knew exactly how to get herself out a problem.

I on the other hand can't lie to mom, so
Me and mom just looked at each other and didn't say a word. She looked happier, dad disappeared and mom went into instant depression.

I couldn't look anymore

I went to find Nashi and she was in a conversation with some guy, he looked at her winked and picked up her hand and kissed it!

Love rival, my thoughts screamed.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend" I growled wrapping my hands around Nashi and she smirked.

"Told ya" she said

He looked scared as Nashi began to send fire sparks his way.

The guy ran.

"Natsu I'm back" a familiar voice yelled Lucy.

Nashi looked up and smiled
"Mom!WAIT!" She smacked her hands over her.

"MOM!" The guild yelled looking at Lucy.

"Good job" I flicked her in the head.

"Lucy had a kid?" My dad said and Natsu looked confused.

"No shit dad" I said sarcastically

"DAD!" The guild yelled again


"NO!" Lucy yelled

"Look what you did"
I whispered to Nashi, her hands shaking and fire engulfed her.

I've gotta get her out of here

"Hey kid, come with me" Natsu said coming out of no where grabbing Nashi leading her outside.

"What the hell is happening" Erzas loud voice made me flinch.

I didn't say anything, I walked over to the bar and stood up, everyone's eyes on me.

"First things first! you all made her have a panic attack, I should let her set you all on fire! Second, Yes were from the future we have no idea how to get back, Third, Ms.Lucy and Natsu are Nashis parents and Juvia and Grey are mine. Now any more questions before I get down!" I growled and looked around ice shards grew where I was standing.

Some shocked and some scared,
I looked down at my hands. There black. Devil slayer magic. Fuck.

Mom didn't faint or obsess or screamed. She just looked at me and walked over.

Everyone looked at Mom as she approached me.

"Can you please step down so Juvia can look at you?" She asked and held her hand so I could grab it.

I grabbed her hand and hopped down

"You have Grey-Sama's build and looks" Mom said and put her hand on my face.
"Breath okay" she said and helped me steady my breathing. The black going back into my skin and ice melting.

"Oi he's got your eyes" Dad said from behind mom and she jumped.

Moms eyes widened and the she yelled "Grey-sama we have a kid!" and fainted

"There she is" Ms.Lucy said

"So you got Devil slayer magic huh" dad asked holding Juvia and walking to one of the many booths.

Dad. I looked at him. He was younger looking and still looked at mom like she was a crazy fan. He disappear when I was 14, when I needed him the most.
Mom told me every day not to worry but still.

"Who was more important then your family?" I snapped.


Aaaannnd thank you so so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and it didn't suck
~Gruvia-Community 🖤

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