𝙄'𝙢 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙟𝙪𝙫𝙞𝙖

803 13 1


𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘽𝙮: XxNaLuDragfiliaXx


She covered her mouth in shock, trying to hide her sadness but slowly ran away with silent tears. She saw her boyfriend, Lyon, kissing her friend Meredy.

Lyon lets go of meredy and looks at juvia in guilt well, more like a liar in her point of view and with that he ran after her

"J-Juvia baby! sorry! i didn't mean to do it!!" he grabs juvia's fair pale hands, she lets go of lyon's hands away then slaps his face making the bruise bright red

"How many months were you and her together?! you've been cheating behind juvia's back!"

Lyon sighed and walked closer to her leaving meredy confused lyon smirked and cupped the bluenette's cheeks "Babe it's all over now, you'll still be mine right?" he snaked a hand around her waist trying to seduce her with his charm

Unfortunately she wasn't flattered, in return she pushed him away "Juvia was never yours and never will be ever again, goodbye lyon-sama"


She again, walked slowly between the cold rain that matched her emotion, loneliness. Clothed in a thin white coat that couldn't warm her shivering body

thanks to him her heart shattered like glass that was once fragile but now broken and will never be brought back together again. They may split but the memories are unforgettable

A couple was walking together, sharing an umbrella and the girl cuddling on to the boy, juvia took a quick glance while a single tear dripped, reminding her of the times she and lyon were still together

Juvia layed herself down the park's sidewalk the weather didn't bother her at all she looked up the sky then back down swinging her feet and hugging her kness, like hiding her sadness

She felt dumb and stupid for falling for him...


"Oi juvia.." said a familiar voice, juvia turned around, still in tears falling down slowly on her pale white cheeks

"Gray-sama?" he looked down on her with a black umbrella over his head. Before lyon and juvia were together, she had a massive crush on gray....

Gray was always there for her as a loyal friend, his shoulder was there to let her cry on it, He was someone to make her laugh with, He was that someone that will wash away her problems and make her feel better

He puts the umbrella over her head, and sat down beside her "What are you doing here and why are you crying?"

She wiped both of her cheeks and cracked up a slight smile "Oh, these? those are just raindrops falling juvia isn't crying juvia's okey gray-sama"

He could tell she wasn't okey "C'mon juvia... tell me..." he puts his hand on her head gently and sits down beside her with the umbrella over both thier heads

"You don't want to know, it's better if gray-sama will leave juvia alone"

"Juvia...tell me"


"Gray-sama, y-you see juvia..." juvia began explaining it in a frail voice gray tried his best to listen to every detail of it

"And that's w-when juvia ran outside here and left lyon alone"

Gray had a cold stone reaction, juvia poked his cheek trying at least to giggle even a tiny bit "Hey, is gray-sama okey?"

"It's just that... i'm still pissed at that sick fuck for making you shed tears" He shooed her hand away from his cheek he grunted and throwed away his umbrella

Juvia tugged on his jacket, not wanting him to leave "Leave me alone juvia, would you quit it?!" he said in a cold tone

"Gray-sama...please don't leave"

"Just let me go, i need some time for myself"

Her voice raised up a bit louder, she cared for him at this point "No! juvia's not letting that happen!"

He pushed her away "Uugh! sometimes you are so annoying!"

She broke in tears, letting her anger out

"Then why are you like this?! why are you  angry? why are you jealous?! i ask myself of why were you always like this..." She sobbed

That's when he stopped,

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