I don't like your Last name

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Gray had returned from a mission which took some time, he went alone because he wanted to figure something out. After Erza had told him that he was stringing Juvia on, which he didn't want, he believes she deserves it but he himself was confused. Not anymore though Gray had figured out exactly what he needs to do, what his answer is to Juvia.

There Juvia sat on top of a bench staring at Gray as he walked up to her sat across the female.

"You've Returned!" Juvia cheered.

"Yes!" Gray replied.

"Why did you take so long?" Juvia enquired.

"Needed to think about things," Gray replied.


"Do you no what I dislike about you?" Gray asked.

"What? Tell me and I'll change it," Juvia said a little taken aback.

"Your last name," Gray spoke, a smirk present on his face.

"My last name? Lockster?" Juvia asked.


"What should I change it too?" Juvia asked.

"Fulbuster," Gray smirked.

"Wait! What?!" Juvia shouted.

Gray quickly pulled out a box and opened it slowly while kneeling down in front of Juvia.

"I think I can help with changing you last name, will you marry me?" Gray asked, genuinely.

"YES!" Juvia Screamed.

"That was SMOOTH Gray!" Someone shouted from the back of the crowd that was now surrounding them.


A/n- god that was short! Hope you liked it!


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