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Juvia and Gray had moved in to live together in an abandoned village after their beloved Guild, Fairy Tail was disbanded because of Tartoros. Within a 1 week they were settled in, unfortunately to Juvias dismay they didn't share a bed, although that didn't stop the water mage from trying.

Juvia and Gray were out together starting to train when Juvia remembered a book that taught different training styles. Juvia made her way into the house, and entered the living room, going up to the shelf and reached to the top of the shelf, her hand skipping 6 of the 7 shelves.

Juvia, wasn't known to be short, she was definitely taller than levy, and was about the same height to Lucy and Erza but when it came to the shelf she was just short. Juvia stared at the shelf for about a minute trying to figure out new tactics. Juvia jumped up her hand reaching for the book, again she failed, but Juvia being a Fairy Tail wizard at heart she didn't give up and tried again, determined to beat the shelf.

Juvia tried again and again, failing for the 50th time, gentle groans and irritated moans left her mouth, not taking in her surroundings or how much time had past. Juvia jumped once again, this time bumping her head in the process, she shook her head and gently massaged that area, until she heard a low laugh, as she turned around slowly to be met with dark orbs. It was Gray, he was resting, using the wall to keep him up by his side.

"How long have you been there?" Juvia asked hoping Gray didn't see everything that went down.

"A lot," Gray laughed as he pushed his hair back.

"Oh! Why are you here anyway?" Juvia mumbled, her face gradually turning red.

"You didn't come back, I got worried but when I got here, I see you jumping up and down to get that book!" Gray snickered.

"Why didn't you help out?" Juvia asked, irritated.

"Well I was, when you realise I was here, now," Gray said walking behind Juvia to grab the book but stopping half way. He quickly snakes his hand around Juvias waist and picked her up gently.

"What are you doing?" Juvia asked baffled by Grays action.

"Picking you up so you can get the book! I know you would rather get the book yourself so, get the damn book!" Gray muttered clearly getting embarrassed by his own actions.

"I got it!" Juvia cheered in victory as Gray put her down gently.

"Good! Come on let's go and train!" Gray said pulling juvia with him outside.


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