Finding him part 2

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Natsus pov

"Kid you gotta breath, if you don't your gonna burn out and that's not gonna be good" I said while She paced back and forth.

"B-but if I don't get back, Moms gonna be worried and if moms worried, she's gonna cry and if she cries she'll tell you and if she tells you, your gonna be mad and if your mad. your gonna make me do drills and I don't wanna do drills and if Storm talks to his Dad he might rage and if he rages I have to stop him and if I stop him he's gonna cry and then I'll cry and everyone will be crying" The pinkette said to be my daughter cried flames burning brighter until she fell back passing out.

"I told you" I said picking up the girl and made my way to Lucy's place.


I jumped through Lucy's window and placed the girl on her bed.

"And now Natsu and the girl is missing and I don't know what to do" screamed Lucy as she walked in with Virgo.

"Heya Luce" I smiled and she screamed.

"NATSU!" She looked at me and then the girl.

"Is she okay, is she hurt, should I go get Wendy?" Lucy asked walking over over looking the girl.

"Lucy" I said and pull her close.

"Yes" she asked looking up at me.

"She will be fine, but she's got bad anxiety which is never good for a dragon slayer. Lucy, she's our daughter and if she's our daughter. She strong enough to fight any thing"
I said holding the blonde beauty close to me chest.

"Oh my Mavis! Natsu we have a daughter!" Lucy yelled.

"You actually have 3 children. Set of twins Igneel and Luke and me Nashi, I'm the oldest" Spoke the girl sitting up.

"I have 3 children" Lucy said sitting on the floor.
"I push twins out of my body"
"Me and you..." lucy said looking at Me

"Oh yeah Luce I bet it's freak-"

"AND THATS ENOUGH NOW! I've gotta find storm!" Nashi yelled standing up and jumped out the window.

"She got that from you" Lucy said

Storms pov
Who was more important then your family?" I snapped.

He looked shocked.


"You left, you picked up your magic fucking phone thing one day and then told mom you'd be back. It's been a year! I had to grow up and look at things different! Do you realize mom has been in constant depression ever since you left and Silvia is always calming mom down and Some days it's like mom completely forgets who you are and- and I can't do it anymore. I had to learn how to talk to girls and shave and be a man because you couldn't!" I growled my vision red and the room's temperature dropped.

"Storm!" Mom yelled.

I looked at her and she was standing. Hands on her hips.

"Yes" I said and looked at her.

"You need to calm down please" she said

"No. Why do you still care or why care now all he's gonna do is leave I growled moms stance didn't fall.

"Because Juvia trusts that what ever your father is doing, it's for a good reason and Juvia loves him enough to yes be sad but still trust him."
My mom grabbing my face, pushed hard against my collarbone.

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