Angels pt.2

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Greys pov

"Alright boys, I've gotta close friend that lives in the human world. You'll find him at the girls school" Mirajane said and Natsu leaned on my arm

"Idiot" I mumbled

"Ice prick" he mumbled back

We were both to tired to argue, his human keep him up with crying and mine didn't sleep at all.

"Okay boys I'll have you both transported right into Jellals office" She snapped her fingers

I can't breath
I hate this
I'm going to die
*cough* *cough*

Natsu coughed and I choked

"Oh boy I hated that, don't worry you'll get use to it" A guy with blue hair and a red face mark said looking down at us.

"Who *gasp* the fuck *gasp* are you" Natsu said and stood up

"My names Jellal, I'm the headmaster at this institution and you boys are being assigned to two of my best students, Juvia needs help time management you'll be helping Her Grey and Lucy is biotechnologist but she's easily distracted. Keep her on task."

"Okay so I'm supposed to-"

"Hello" A girl knocked and I jumped.

I turned around and seen her.

Her blue hair, dark hair, gorgeous eyes and amazing figure.

"Juvia!" A blonde screamed and Natsus halo turned pink.

"Ah Lucy Juvia, remember when I told you that the school has assigned you personal help" Jellal said and they both nodded

"meet Grey he will help you with time management and Lucy this is Natsu he's going to keep you on task" He said and we smiled

"He doesn't look like he'll help"
Juvia said coldly

"Are you sure, he looks stupid" Lucy said and adjusted her brown framed glasses

"Oh that's rich coming from you lugi" Natsu said and crossed his arms

"It's Lucy!" She yelled

"Whatever" Natsu said and huffed

"Leave my office and deal with this yourselves please" Jellal said

Lucy and Natsu glared at each other, while Juvia just watched me.

"I'm Grey" I said and smiled

"Hello I'm Juvia please don't worry yourself,
I'm perfectly fine and don't need help" She said and began to walk.

I looked at her walk, confidently but worried.

"Well Juvia-senpi, im not leaving" I said and smirked

She stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry what" She asked and crossed her arms

"What you mean Senpi? You're older then me are you not?" I asked and she looked shocked

"Call me Juvia, now please leave I'm sure you have your own studies" She said and marched away.

"You stupid pinkette! That's not what it means!" I could hear Lucy screaming at Natsu
She's kinda loud

I wonder what Juvia is doing, she looks fine but I know other wise and it worries me.

Hiiiiiii we're back and we've got tons of story's, we're so so so sorry for being so inactive but please understand we do have lives to lead but we're still here
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it's kinda short🖤🖤🖤

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