Angels pt1

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Greys pov

"Yo Ice stripper" Natsu yelled running in my room.

"What" I said and looked the pinkette whos gold halo hovered above his head.

"I heard Gajeel just fell again" He whispered and my eyes widened.

"No" I said and he nodded.

"Who is she" I asked

"She's a small girl who owns a book shop, Super gusty. Her names Levy."

"Woah, how did Mirajane respond" I asked and he sat on the floor.

"Well Mirajane at first was mad, lightning sounds and stuff but then she told Gajeel that since this is his second time falling she'd make him stay in Hell forever" Natsu shivered

We had to visit hell with Erza once and it was scary, Laxus is one scary dude.

"Wow" I said and sat down with him.

"Ye-" Natsu was cut off my his halo turning bright pink sending a flush of emotions down and his face turned bright pink.

"L-Lucy's e-excited" He stood up and stumbled out.

Man being a girls Guardian Angel is both a blessing and a curse.

I should explain.

Me,Natsu and others are Guardian Angels. We are supposed to protect and watch our humans fall in love and make sure they do the right thing. We throw down signs or hope we needed.

Now with we have a deep connection with our humans. We feel intense emotions, like what you just seen with Natsu.

Now while being involved with your human so much, some people example Gajeel, fall in love with them. Now Mirajane our Goddess allows you to leave under the condition you've chosen right. If not your sent to hell to work for Laxus another fallen. after 10 years your sent back to heaven, but Gajeels case is weird he hurt the girl but only because she hurt him first. There was another man involved.

"COME ON LUCE STOP BEING DIFFICULT" Natsu screamed and I ran to his room.

He was sitting on his floor tears in his eyes.

"Dude what the fuck" I laughed

"She was rejected but the fucker thought I would have been funny to kiss her and now she's crying and I already sent two signs that he wasn't it but does she listen noOoOoOo" He said and laid down.

"Why the hell don't you get over emotional" he asked

"Because Juvia is smart and beautiful and she understands the her education comes first and Med school takes up to much of her time, she also is super stressed so I get her anxiety attacks but she doesn't have those kinda thoughts until late night, when your asleep" I said and he nodded and then his eyes widened.

"Your halos black!?" He exclaimed and pointed.

"Back, we only have 5 colours what's black?" I asked

"Uuhhh" He said and grabbed a book.

"Pinks: Excitement
Blues : sadness
Yellows: Joy
Orange: anger
"There's no black!"
he read and looked up

"I just said that stupid" And he looked shocked

"MIRAJANE" Natsu yelled and grabbed my wrist.

We passed multiple other angels and they all gasped.

What the fuck was black.

We busted in a the room, white light blinded us for a second.

"Hi boys" Mirajane said and looked up from her desk startled.

" HIS HALO IS BLACK!?" Natsu yelled and she stood up and walked over to me.

She touched my halo and it hurt.

"Ouch!" I yelped

"Oh no" she whispered, she pulled me and Natsu over and sat us in her office style chairs.

"Alright, her name is Juvia Lockster"
Mirajane said and Picked up her phone.

"Hello Erza remember what we had to do for Jellal and you?" She asked and looked at me.

"Yeah I understand that but I'm going to have to send them." She said angry

"If I didn't would you be alive?" She whispered

"I'm sending them, I'm calling Jellal and that's final" she said and snapped her phone shut.

"Quick question" I said and Mirajane looked up.

"Yes Grey" she asked

"What the fuck?" I said and Natsu laughed.

"I'm going to be blunt with you, I'm sending you and Natsu down to earth. Your human is in a fragile state of mind and she can't handle this by her self. if you don't help you'll die due to the emotional connection that depression has.

So Grey Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel Lucky for me both your humans attend the same school.

Juvia the doctor and Lucy the biologist will now have two boys being their assistants and you Grey will be helping Juvia come out of her depression and Natsu will help his focus more on school" Mirajane said and I fell off the chair.


"Yep, you leave tomorrow morning"

She snapped her finger and we ending up on my bedroom floor.

"I don't wanna meet the mess of my human" Natsu said and crossed his arms

"I'm gonna die if I can't help mine"
I said
Aaaaaaand that's it, I hope you like and stay tuned they'll be a part 2 and 3. Thank yous so so much for reading it ❤️❤️


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