No Ice without Water!

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Juvia sat on her bed, thinking about what had happened in the guild that morning and it left her baffled. He asked her a question. She couldn't answer it. She was baffled that she didn't have an answer.

Juvia and Gray have started dating for a month now, for now they went on cute dates but hoping this will take them something more. She was now scared that the dream relationship she had was going to come to an end, just because she couldn't answer a simple question.

Juvia knew she was overthinking it, Gray didn't shout, he didn't do anything and reassured her it was ok, but she needed to know the answer. She sat on the bed and thought. The answer was important for some reason like it was on the tip of her tongue.

"Hey! Juvia!" Gray greeted Juvia as she jumped on him.

"Good to see you! Love you!" Juvia cheered as her boyfriend snaked his hands to her waist,

"Love you as well!" Gray muttered gradually turning red.

"I have found a lot of places we can go to!" Juvia said.

"You've already started planning dates!" Chuckled Gray as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes!" Juvia cheered.

"First! I have a question for you!" Gray said.

"A question? Marriage?" Juvia asked happily.

"Oh! No! Too young! Too young! Dated only a month!" Gray was flustered by the sudden question.

"So what is it?" Juvia asked.

"What will I have with you but won't have without you?" Gray asked stroking Juvias blue hair.

"Uh! Love?" Juvia stated.

"A valid answer but wrong!" Gray chuckled

"Uhh, I don't know..." Juvia said disappointed.

"Oh... I'll give you a day to figure it out!" Cheered Gray.

"But what if I don't figure it out?" Juvia asked.

"Don't worry about it!" Gray reassured.

"Ok... wait! You aren't going to break up with me are you?!" Screamed Juvia.

"What! No! Never! This doesn't effect our relationship!" Shouted Gray.

"Ok..." muttered Juvia.

Juvia was still thinking, but couldn't figure out the answer as the sun outside was scorching as she went downstairs to the refrigerator. She wanted some ice to cool her down, as she got the ice out she knew the answer!

Juvia ran of to the guild and finally made it.

"GRAY! I KNOW THE ANSWER!" Screamed Juvia.

"So what is it?" Gray asked.

"NO ICE WITHOUT WATER!" Shouted Juvia.

"CORRECT! It's also a place, wanna go on a date there?" Gray asked blushing.

"YES!" Juvia accepted.



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