The sky cries (part 1)

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all you could hear was the drifting sound of wind blowing slowly through the air as the rain fell from the sky making people run in side as they cover their selves for shelter. but one, one stood still in the middle of the town as she closed her eyes looking up as the rain drops fell upon her as she could no longer hear nothing but the silence of the rain. 


team nastu was getting back from a week longer mission missing there home already but once they got to there beloved home they soon saw that others where running as it was raining. so soon they awaited for the mostion stick dragon slayer to heal and once he was recovered they where off on there own running to there guild hoping to not get wet. but as they ran they saw a figure in the distance standing in the middle standing they went as they soon ran to the figure only to relies it was none other then the water mage her self. 

"juvia!" they called out but nothing they said could break the water mage from staring at the sky as her eyes where closed it seemed as though she was in her own world until.

"boom!" a lighting bolt hit in the near west making the others look where it hit but soon they saw juvia run as though she was a blur of blue where the lightning bolt hit.with no hesitation team nastu was off chasing juvia.

"juvia" they called but nothing seemed to work as she only ran as though there presence was none existent."what is wrong with her lucy-san" wendy said as she ran with a worried expression for the water mage.

" i-i don't know, eriza do you know?" lucy ask as she ran with the others right behind juvia "mmm I have no idea but I only hope she is okay" eriza said as she smiled to the two female who smiled back trying to be calm with the situation.

after 1 hour of running after juvia they soon dissed to knock her down as it seemed as though she was not in good enough mind set to be out hear. so grey and nastu cached up to her and soon tackled her down. once they got a hold of her she wiggled as trying escape gray's grasp as he held her with her eyes closed.

"juvia what's wrong where trying to help" wendy said as she was worried for her friend. but juvia still struggled out of gray's grip which was strange to all of them since they all know juvia would have been fangirling from being held by gray but still she faught back 

"LET ME GO!!!" she yelled as another lightning bolt strike the sky "juvia just tell us what's wrong" gray said with worry.

"...Let me go! this is your last warning!" juvia yelled out they all looked at each other "juvia were ju-" but soon eriza was cut off by none other then juvia 

"WATER LOCK" with that she attacked gray making him lt go of her as she ran off soon he got out of the water lock and they ran after once again still shocked as to why juvia lockser just attacked her loved one.

but soon as they once again chased her down they saw something they wont forget. They saw....


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