Finding him part 3

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The next morning

Nashis pov

I nuzzled closer to the cold against my skin and sighed. Feeling Storms hands at all has always made me feel at peace.

I developed a bad case of anxiety at the age of ten when dad went on a mission and didn't come home for days and then mom disappeared.
It turned out they went to a mission in the spirt world.

You would think, hey nashi go check the spirt world for Grey but that's what we did and we found nothing.

"N-N-Nashi" Storm stuttered and I looked up at him.

His eyes were closed and he had tears falling down his face.

"NASHI NO" he screamed standing up in a fight stance.he looked around and his eyes fell on me.

"Heya handsome" I smiled and he hugged me.

"Don't leave, im sorry" he cried.

"Babe, I'm right here okay, I'm
Not going anywhere. It's you and me against the world." I said and calmed him down.

He looked at me and he looked so... exhausted. He's been trying to find his dad forever now and this isn't easy for him.

"What" he asked

I kissed his head.

"Nothing my love" I said and made my way into the living room to see Mom and Ms.Juvia sleeping on the floor.

"Mom" I whispered and she didn't move.

"Moom" I whisper and she still didn't move.

I laid on her arm and whisper in her ear. "Mom"

"AAAH" she jumped and threw me over her head. I landed on a pile of conveniently placed blankets.

"Oh mavis I'm sorry Nashi"
Mom said running over to me and helped me up.

"That was so awesome" I said

"Are you okay, what did you need" mom asked.

"I'm fine mom, I wanted to borrow some of your clothing or dads" I said and stood up.

"Oh yeah in my room the dresser has some of your father's clothing and all of mine" Mom said and Juvia had a sly smile.

" how convenient you just have some of Natsus clothing" Ms.Juvia said poking mom.

"Oh whatever" Mom said and we went into her room.

Storm must have fallen back asleep.

"So I don't know what you like, but I assume you take after Natsu fashion wise" mom said and pulled one of dads long vest and gave me one of her white long sleeves.

"Is that okay?" She asked.

I looked at mom. She was young almost 20, she was very beautiful and I took after her in the best ways. I like this mom she's very free but still acts like...well mom.

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