September 16 part 2

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" was because of me" juvia stated looking at the rest as they had wide eyes "i wanted the divorce and...... I'm moving" juvia said as she showed an emotionless face as the children where know crying asking her why she would wont to leave them... but she only stayed silent trying not to cry... but she soon failed as she hugged her three children who her hugging her tight not wanting to let go.

"WHAT...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU JUVIA YOU CAN'T LEAVE" eriza yelled out as small tears where falling out her eyes and the rest where crying as well but they all said silent...

-2 weeks later-

gray has not left his house ever since juvia left soon he had to meet her in the guild later today so he could sign the divorce papers. But he didn't wont to he know it was to painful to see her, her pale Wight skin that reminded him of the snow of December, the December where she gave him his scarf. the scarf that he has been waring since she walked out the door with everyone trying to convince her to stay... and those blur orbs of eyes that used to brighten up his day has she told him how much she loved him, and her blue hair that reminded him of the waterfalls that they used to see all the time when they where both stressed but yet he know, know that he had no right to miss her, he was the reason why this all happened. But oh how much he regrets it.

soon he was able to get ready and walk to the guild looking a fall as hell but he did not care for the looks he got or the whispers that came along with them. as he came to a stop to the guild doors he thought back on how he hated the thought of seeing his three children who where not able to talk to him since they where in the same state as him. so with all his courage he opened the doors to see that everyone gone quit and looked his way with concerned faces since they where all told that juvia was the one that broke it off but little did they know it was his stupid acts that made her brake it off, but yet he said nothing because he was ashamed of what he had done. Now everyone only sees juvia as the bad guy since she left her family and she didn't even explain her self.

slowly gray walked to an empty table not feeling like talking to anyone at the moment but soon three figures came his way and he know who it was. it was his children that had at least one resembles to there mother which made him want to run as far away not wanting to see her. but once he heard the guild door open he saw her the he was married to for 20 years. the one that was always there when no one was but yet he wasn't, he wasn't there......for her. He only looked away knowing that the tears were on the edge of falling so he quickly wiped his eyes  and then looked up see that his friends where there bye his side and there children where there bye his kids who wanted to so badly want to scream at there mother for leaving them and their father.

But as juvia came to a stop in front of gray she just looked away from his gaze trying to stay strong through the pain she was feeling knowing that her kids where mad at her except for storm who was the only one who said hi to her when she entered and she was so grateful that he did. storm... he hated the fact of his parents fighting but he could not choose a side. once she handed over the papers to gray he looked at it then at her.

"we met at are teens ex-girlfriend wanted money you still wanted me back then but now you do not love affection, no respect it's been to long since my last pay came my way. i still now what you did for me and my father" gray stated as he looked down and everyone looked at him with worry but juvia just looked down.

"....." juvia said nothing as she held back her tears not wanting to cry and hug him but she knew she had to stay strong for her for them....

"No excuses,I been trying Juvia I'm fine, kids I'm fine, I been lying, I been lying So much pressure, I can't sleep Everything about me aching It's so hard to accept my kid bringing home the bacon during my fallen times I'm at fault, I'm a loser, best believe I've heard it all

From the girl of my dreams I married in the fall and I get it, your resentment, yeah it's justified... all the words, all the augments i deserve i know i done wrong....... It's been over twenty years, recognize our blessings. Even though that we can barely coexist for more than twenty seconds, dam." gray said as he looked at juvia with guilt as the others where trying to understand what he meant by 'he done wrong?' juvia then hesitated to speak  but she opened her mouth and spoke 

"i love you gray,  the way you grin, the way you make me laugh,The way you helped me raise three angles, wouldn't take it back,I think you're a genius but after what you done i can't seem to forgive....I know that I should have showed more Gratitude for you when you came home from a tying day, I know my attitude's been so poor But so have we but this is deeper than a shit I know I need to work this out. Storm takes me traveling, he knows that you're strong while he knows I'm unraveling He's not taking sides, trust me he says that you're right even though he doesn't know, He just trying to help us both, he don't wanna see us fight. It rained when we got married and you know I loved the sun... but i know with you i would see it every day....But you're the one that I love. Damn, that I love "juvia said as gray looked at her then he signed the papers then gave it back trying not to look her in the eye but when he did he widen his eyes seeing that her once beautiful eyes that held so much love only held pain. soon she got the paper out of his hands and then turned trying not to catch the faces that held sadness....

by gruvia52art 

----please read----

so i thought this would be the last one since both chapters have like 1100 words but it seemed that it is longer then expected but there will be another one that will be the last one which will probably be more sad thank you and please comment and like

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