Still Be With You

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   🌺Hallo.This Is my first time writing a one-shot and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be long or short but hope you like this one-shot that just came from my mind and also my heart to.This is just my imagination.

     "Why??!!!!".....Juvia said as she was thrown out of the guild.

     "Well never forget how you turn down our guild Juvia and made us worse!!"...lucy said as she throw Juvia's stuff away.

      "But it is not Juvia's fault.Natsu-san always did it too"...she said as tears formed from her eyes.

      "But yours is the worse"...erza said as she stared at Juvia with menacing stare.

    Gray was nowhere to be found.

      "Now scram!!"...gajeel said.

    Juvia run fast as she could not turning her head into that direction once more.She doesn't know where she's going but she only knew she's going somewhere far from magnolia.


         I stared at the magical book with joy and emotions running through my veins."This is it!!"...i sais as I hug the book.

         Grand Magic Games is coming up and Juvia wants to be stronger at fighting because Juvia wants FairyTail to win.So after practice she search different libraries on how to make water magic more stronger and this is it,the book is now in front of her.

         She flipped through pages with excitement as she come across a spell that combine dark smoke and water.

         She read it and it says that is one of the water spells that old folks used to practice.Legend has it that people who practiced it and used it became heroes and that even their enemies feared them.Before you need to activate this spell you will off course need to have water magic and recite the following.

        Off course Juvia used it and at the GMG they won.The next GMG rolls around and just like that they won again.Juvia even became popular but when Juvia got popular Gray would give Juvia the cold shoulders.Juvia found it weird but still continue with her life because another GMG is gonna come around.She needs to practice more.

          But when its time Juvia can't control her power on the field and destroyed the tournament and even killed one of the judge.Before she could be arrested for what she done she got a chance to flew to the guild but was caught by Erza which she took inside the guild.

         She receive weird,disgusted,and glares from people who she thought were her friends.She was thrown out of the guild and her guild mark was removed.They even removed her pictures because they don't want to remember that day.

          The book was a joke.It was a cursed.Only if Juvia knew how to get rid of this.

《Present Time》

       Juvia was running through the rain with her bag clutch in her hand as she made her way to who knows where.It was dark and pouring hard.All of the doors of each home are locked beacause they feared of Juvia's powers.

       More tears began to drop in her eyes and made her vision blurry but she still kept running.She got to a forest and saw a cave.

       (A/N: I don't know if her clothes can be wet because after all she's a water mage but for this I'm making her clothes wet because of the rain).

      She was scared but she overcome it because in need of shelter.She went through and because she had wet clothes. she remove her clothes and put on a towel.She found two stones and used it to make fire.It reminds her of Natsu.

      She was about to remove her towel to put on her new clothes when she heard a voice.A voice that she always wants to hear.A voice that soothes her down in times of stress and it is no other than.....Gray.

   "You really are gonna stay in here.In this dark and cold place"...gray said as she stared at Juvia while his hand are on his pockets.

   "Yeah,why do you care? You should join the others maybe they form a club named "Juvia Haters"...juvia said as she hang her head down.She doesn't want to use her cute voice or third person anymore.

  He sighed.Walked towards her then took her bags and carried her bridal style.She is still in her towel.

    "Wha--what are you doing?"...she said as she  blushed redder than Erza's hair....Erza.

     "I'm going to take you to my place.I can't sleep with you running off to somewhere"..he said as he walk.

     "Wait! But I'm a monster"....she  said as sleepiness carried her away.



            I woke up in a comfy bed with my clothes changed??.What who changed my clothes?.I was so confused when I heard the door click.

            When the door opened it revealed gray holding a bowl with soup.He sit next to me and hold out a spoon of soup.

       "Eat this,be careful it's hot"...he said.

             Wait, why are you so kind to me.And who changed my clothes?Don't you know what happened at the GMG?.I started to tear up.

            He put the spoon back to the bowl and put the bowl on the bedside table.

     "I changed your clothes but I had a blindfold and I know what happened at the GMG and I know that it is not your doing.And when I heard that you got kicked out I tracked you"..he said.

     "Wait,how can you tracked me ?"..i said.

     "I got my own special way"...he said.

      Now please eat this.I took the bowl and ate it.

      Many days had passed and he gave me everything.Food,Clothes,Warm and he even made me feel home.

       Today he come with me to a witch shop to remove the curse and I'm finally free.

       We just finished dinner and I got out for a fresh air.I was just staring at the sky when he sit beside me.

      "The view is great right?"...he said.

      "Yes it is"..i said with my eyes fixed on the night sky.

      "Are you alright?"...he said.

     "I'm okay.Just you know,thinking about the past"...i said as i put my head on his shoulders.

     "Now don't ever think that again.It's in the past,we should always focused on our future"...he said.

     "I know.But I'm thinking,why do still took me to your home and took care of me even tho you know what I did?"...i said.

      You really want to know huh?
      I nodded but was surprised when he kissed me for about a minute that felt like eternity.

     He broke away.I was so confused.

   "The reason i took care of you even tho the thing that you did was horrible I still did not look through that but I look to the things that it was not your doing and you are a kind person.Even the whole world despise you and hated you I was still at your side because I LOVE YOU"...he said as he hug me.

     Warm tears of joy began to drop from my eyes.For the first time again in my life I felt special."I love you too Gray~sama"...i said and we stayed like that for a minute.

    "I'll never leave you,whatever happens"..he said as he kissed my forehead.

                        The   end


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