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Juvia POV

Juvia is currently in her bed with shorts and a T-shirt she is contemplating about gray-sama

Juvia is tired of waiting.
Juvia loves Gray-sama but he he needs to come up with an answer leading Juvia on like This and not admitting his feelings is getting On Juvia nerves
She knows he means well

But Juvia still is just tired she really wants to know cause if he doesn't feel the same what was the point of doing This
Juvia just wants to know if she should try to move on
Of course it would be hard

And Juvia would be sad
But Juvia is done

Yah Juvia will go to the guild right know an ask him


Juvia walked into the guild full of confidence. But when She couldn't see Gray all her confidence faded away
'Where is he' she thought
She pouted and walked towards Mira at the bar

Juvia slouched down on the chair
The she-devil noticed the change in behavior of the bubbly water mage
" what the problem Juvia"
She asked
Juvia looked up " where is gray-sama" she asked Mira smiled

" he should be back-" the guild doors opened revealing team Natsu " WE'RE BACK" Natsu screamed " right about now" Mira finished her sentence
Juvia eyes lit up

Gray POV

I saw Juvia sitting at the bar she was staring at me with the happiest expression which caused me to blushed
Then she got up and started walking towards me
Her expression changed to a serious one kinda like erza it kinda scared me

She stood In front of me
" Gray-sama" she said
" Juvia" I said
She looked down and then up at me again as if she was thinking about something
She dusted off my shirt which surprisingly was still on
Grabbed my collar

She pulled me down by the collar and kissed me
The guild went silent my eyes widened she just kissed me
She let go and walked out the guild.

I stood in place " d-d-did she j-just
K-k-k-". I was cut off " yes she did"
Erza resounded  Nonchalantly
My head was spinning what the heck just happened she kissed me and the left right out the guild like nothing happened

I ran out the guild to go find her

Juvia POV

OMFG yajhshaksgkssh
Juvia just kissed  Gray sama
She didn't know what to do so she just kissed him and left like nothing had happened
Juvia  wanted to cry not because she was sad but just because she felt like crying
Juvia was currently walking down the street blushing like crazy
" JUVIA WAIT UP" she heard some one scream when Juvia looked behind
She saw gray-sama

Juvia began to speed walk
She felt something grab her
Wrist. It was gray sama
He was panting

Gray POV

" w-why why you'd do that" I said in between breath she looked at me and blushed quickly averting her eyes " Juvia is sorry"
I picked up her chin our eyes met I really wanted to kiss her
I leaned down and kissed her soft Plump lips.

I pulled away " I might sorta kinda like you" I said smiling
She smiled pulled me down and gave me a kiss
" Juvia Likes you too"

The end!

So how was it it took awhile for me to write this I re write it like three times. Please vote and comment okay we'll see yah. 😊💕👋

Words: 582

@ MarshWrites

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