The date

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Juvias pov
I watched as the he threw a chair at Gajeel. I've become a little less obsessive over Grey-sama which is good because he likes to actually talk to me now.

"Hey Juvia" Natsu said and sat next to me.

"Hi Natsu" I said and he looked at me weird.

"Are you okay, Juvia is concerned?" I said and he smiled.

"Im fine but your a girl right?" He asked and I laughed.

"Yes, last time Juvia checked she was a girl" I laughed and he pushed me.

"You know what I meant, I was uh, you see Lucy, how do you." He stuttered with the words and his hands lit on fire.

"Natsu breath, Just try and use word so Juvia can understand"

"Date.Lucy.How?" He asked and I giggled.

"Natsu.Date.Lucy?" I said and he laughed.

"Yes how" he said eagerly.

"Ask her once she returns from her Mission. Say "Lucy will you go out with me" and then plan a whole day. Juvia hears Lucy talk about picnics a lot why not take her on one."

"Okay but how" he asked like an idiot.

"Juvia will help, come one well go now" I said and stood up pulling Nastu.

Greys pov
I seen Juvia pull Natsu by his wrist out the Guild doors.

Where are they going.

I felt a table crash into me.

"Pay attention Ice fucker." Gajeel laughed.

"Shut up" I said

I wonder what there doing.

"GAJEEL COME HERE!" I yelled and he walked over to me and sat on the ground.

"What if Juvia and Nastu are dating?"
I said and his eyes widen.

"What the fuck would make you think that. He's an idiot and she's in love with you?" He said and punched me.

"And besides, you haven't made a move for months, If she got bored waiting I wouldn't be mad" he added

"Oh my Mavis there are dating, she's been acting less clingy and then she's leaving with Natsu and laughing!" I stood up and looked around .

"Come on Gajeel, were going to be spies" I said and he got up.

"Fine but only because I'm bored and Levy's gone" he said and we went to find them.

Juvias pov

"Okay so Juvia thinks, this will work" I said handing him a simple basket with a with and blue spread sheet.

"Okay but food, I swear Lucy only drinks Milkshakes" he said and I laughed.

"No Juvai has seen her eat food" I said and he looked dead serious

"Like what" he asked

"Like...Oh my Mavis does she eat!" I yelled and he laughed.

"A salad and Sandwiches" I said and he nodded.


We spent hour shopping and I kept feeling like I was being watched.

"So I want to get her a necklace" Nastu said and I squealed.

"JUVIA THINKS THATS SO CUTE!" I yelled and he shy smiled.

"Let's go"
I pulled him into a jewellery shop.

Greys pov

"LOOK HES BUYING HER A NECKLACE!" I yelled and Gajeel just watched.

"You ever think there just good friends?" He said and hit me.

"No. Nastu is an idiot Juvia is not" I said and kept watching.

I seen Natsu pick up and pink necklace and Seen Juvia clap.

She looked happy with nastu. Happier with him then me.

Juvais pov

"Aww Juvia thinks pink is great,"
I clapped and he blushed.

"Ya think"  he said.

"Yes" I said and he bought the necklace.

We walked out the store and Nastu stopped.

"Thanks Juvia, this has been fun." He said and held his arms out.

I hugged him

"Indeed Juvia has had tons of fun today" and let him go.

"Back to the Guild!" He yelled.

Greys pov

"Oh damn" Gajeel said and we watched them hug.

"Let's go man" I said and we made our way to the Guild.

Juvias pov

I walked into the Guild and it was quite. It's weird for the guild to be quite . I seen Grey-sama laying on the floor with no shirt.

"Are you okay My darling?" I asked and he didn't answer.

"Grey-sama" I poked his face.

"Leave me alone Juvia" he said and I felt hurt.

"D-did Juvia do something love" I asked and he didn't move.

I have an idea. I put my leg over him and pinned him to the ground.

"What's wrong" I asked he looked at me.

"Nothing go talk to your boyfriend" he snapped.

"Grey-sama your my boyfriend?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No Nastu, you two went on a date and where's the necklace he bought you" Grey-sama said trying to get out of my hold.

"Date? OH YOU MEAN LUCY"  I yelled  and his eyes widened

"YOUR WITH LUCY TOO" he yelled and I shook my head.

I reached down and kissed him and he kissed back.

"Nastu needed help asking Lucy out idiot" I said and he laughed.

"Oh" he said

I sat up and let go of his arms.

"My bad" He said and I laughed.

"Grey-sama were you jealous" I smirked and he blushed.

"So what if I was" he said and crossed his arms.

"Juvia loves you" I said and he huffed.

"I love you too" and he kissed me.
Short, sweet and jelly Grey.
Anyways hope you liked it and it didn't suck.~Gruvia Community.


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