Just Hold Me

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* Fluff*

Narrator POV

Gray was exhausted. He had just gotten back from a two month long job with team Natsu.
He was tired. Hungry and missed his girlfriend. Who sadly could not go. She was 4 months pregnant with a baby boy. They talk though using the Lacrima

As he walked home. He couldn't think if anything better than to lie down and cuddle with her
All he was thinking was eat. Cuddle with Juvia and sleep.

It wasn't that late only 7:24
So we should be awake whichever means she probably made food
The thought of Juvias food made gray's mouth water.
To say that gray missed Juvia was an understatement.

He just wanted. To be in her warmth. Her bubbly happy self to Calm him down. And to eat her amazing food.

Juvia has cooked she knew gray would most likely be tired when he got back so she made food ate some herself. She took a shower and prepared for bed
She was reading a book on the couch. It as very heart wrenching

Levy had suggested the book and so far Juvia loved it.
It was about a utopia
The book was called The Giver
( Great book you should check it out). 

* creak*
( I don't know the sound a door makes)

At the sound of the door Juvia perked up

" Gray-sama" Juvia said happily as she walked over to him
He gave her a long kiss
" Juvia I missed you" Gray said
" Juvia missed you too does gray-sama want to eat. Juvia made
Some pasta."

" oh yah that's did you already  eat."
Gray said

Juvia nodded


Gray and Juvia were cuddling
Gray had pulled Juvia closer by the waist and snuggled into her breast
Juvia giggled
Every time he was frustrated or tired he'd always burry his face in her chest. She loved it.
It was quit childish but it was her gray-sama so she couldn't say no.

" Gray-sama Juvia loves you" she said. Gray smiled " I love you too. I really missed you" he pulled her closer if that's was possible
" How was the job" she asked playing with his hair

" fine but I missed you're kisses and hugs. And food" he said laughing a little at the end
Juvia giggled
" Juvia is glad that  you had a good time gray-sama" she said
" Juvia missed you too"

" How's the baby" he asked touching her belly
" the baby is fine he missed you" she said
He chuckled " I missed you too buddy" Gray said talking to Juvia's belly

She kissed him He gladly kissed back
It was passionate, needy but not rough
Oh how he miss her so much
" Does Gray-sama Want to rest
Juvia doesn't want the keep you up" Juvia said in a loving voice

" No can you.... can you just hold me a little longer" he said
Juvia smiled
" okay"

*The end*

Hope you enjoyed. I loved writing this one I know it's a little short. Okay we'll thank you fir reading an. See yah 😊💕👋Dd

Words: 515


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