I don't think so

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This short story is about gray and juvia working at this Cafe but when things take a turn how will they react?

3rd person pov

Juvia and Gray make the way in to midnight dew there greeted by what they supposed was the manger "hi my name is Eric you two must the mage's that took the waiter needed request" he said. They both respond with " yup"and showed him there guild Mark's. After there interdiction he gave each of them a uniform a told them were to change.

Juvia's pov
After changing into this cutesy uniform  I walk out to find my gray-sama standing by the door "I suppose my love was waiting for me"  I thought with hearts in my eyes dozing of until i heard my love calling me. "Juvia juvia JUVIA!" Gray-sama yelled . I shake my head and the respond "yes my love" I say with a blush rising on my checks.
"Come on we have to start or we won't receive our reward"he says in an bored tone. As if on cue Eric walks up to us and hands each a note pad and a pen and tells us get to work.

Time Skip

Gray's pov

Rush hour is starting to slow down and me and juvia have about a good thirty to forty good more minutes left until our shift is over for to day and we can make our way back.

I see a lady walk in and is sat in a booth so I make my way over to her "hi my name is gray what would you like to drink?" I say she turns  twords me and stairs with hearts in her eyes and don't get me wrong she is beautiful but I already have another in my mind as I take a quick look around I see juvia serving a guy who seems to be checking he out. Suddenly juvia turns around and faces me I think she See's the lady staring at me with heart eyes.

3rd person pov

As if it were an instinct they switch spots. Gray had a creepy smile that shack some one to the core and said to the guy checking out juvia "hi sir I'm going to be your new server today what would you like and my girl is not on the menu." Said not even realising what just came out his mouth. As juvia look at the lady with eyes that could kill and a false smile and then Said " hi miss juvia's your new server today" and whispered so that only the lady was able to here "you better stop making eyes at MY gray-sama is that clear" she said  the lady looked as if she seen a monster and finally said " crystal" with a shakey voice "good now what can juvia get for you today" said juvia

Time Skip

As it came to the end of there shift gray and juvia made there way back to there hotel. "Umm hey uh juvia can I tell you something " he said scratching the back of his neck
" Of course my love"  juvia responded happily try to think of what her gray-sama was going to tell her. "Ireallykindalikeyoualotlikealotjuvia" he said really fast but juvia cought what he said. With her cheeks turning a deep red she walked twords him grabbed his face and plated a soft and loving kiss straight on his lips as is a it was second nature he put his hand around her hips and pulled her closer and she put her arms around his neck. As they they had to stop for air they pulled away and both leaned there heads in until they were touching and then juvia said "juvia likes you alot to gray-sama."

The end

Hope you enjoyed it was not the best but it is what it is please like and comment and support the community 😘


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