Merely a Dream. . .

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You sit on your computer playing Minecraft, dressed in only a t-shirt and panties. It is 2 AM and you are loving the latest update Mojang put out. While down in a cavern mining you find yourself lost and trying to find the way back out only to come across a small passageway full of redstone torches. "Odd, I don't recall placing those here. . ." You say to yourself, despite getting a bad feeling you enter the passageway which weaves and winds seemingly endless. In the corner of your screen pops a message reading 'GET OUT!

Rolling your eyes and figuring it's just a hacker messing with you, you ignore the message and continue down the passageway. Wondering just when does it end. Another message appears saying 'Behind you' but you do not dare to turn around. A deep feeling of dread washes over you as you begin to hear the distinct sound of another pair of footsteps slightly out of sync with your own. Unable to take it,  you turn around to see. . . 


Nobody is there, you let out a heavy sigh. "Just some hacker trying to scare me. Figures." A final message appears at the bottom of the screen. 'That's what you think.' Frustrated you type back 'Herobrine isn't real. He's a legend meant to scare small kids who play Minecraft.' For a few seconds the chat box remains silent, suddenly a blocky hand reaches out of your computer screen and grabs you. Pulling you inside the computer with Minecraft still open, you scream in terror as you feel like you're free-falling through the air. Suddenly though you appear in the same spot your character was in. "What the Hell?! I-I must be dreaming." You say aloud to yourself. 

Without warning you feel yourself being shoved up against a stone-cold wall of the passageway. A voice sends shivers up and down your spine. "You're not dreaming." An arm wraps itself around your waist and you gasp as you feel fingers rub you through your panties. Not wanting this you struggle greatly, attempting to free yourself from the other persons grasp. "I wouldn't if I were you!" Nails dig into your flesh making you cry out in pain. "OUCH! THAT FUCKING HURTS ASSHOLE!" Fed up with this you stomp down on your assailants foot, making them loosen their grip you then turn around only to see "H-HEROBRINE?!!!" You feel your stomach sink and your heart skip a beat in terror as you stare into those emotionless white eyes. 

"Yes. I am Herobrine. AND YOU'VE PISSED ME OFF!!" His voice thunders throughout the passageway, making it shake slightly. Rubble lightly lands on your head, you shiver and shirk away from him. Paralyzed with fear you watch as he draws out a small dagger from his pocket, twirling it in his fingers. "P-Please, d-don't kill me!" You whimper out, voice so soft it's almost inaudible. He says nothing but instead smirks, sliding the blade across your cheek, cutting it. 

You watch in horror as he takes the dagger and slices your t-shirt revealing that you are not wearing a bra. Instinctively you cover your breasts with your arms, tears stinging your eyes. "N-NO!" You cry out, he glares at you and places the dagger to your neck before growling out. "Lower your arms. NOW!" Knowing that he is serious you slowly lower your arms from your breasts, exposing them to him. "That's more like it.~" He tightly grabs one of them causing you to cry out in pain as he roughly squeezes it. "ST-STOP!! TH-THAT HURTS!!" He pulls his hand back, leaving a nice purple bruise where he squeezed your breast. Whimpering you look up at him with terror. "P-Please, j-just let me go! I-I'm sorry for not believing in your existence! F-Forgive me for my insolence and ignorance!" 

He lets out a deep evil laugh, greatly amused at your pleas of mercy and forgiveness. "You think I will just let you walk out of here unscathed?! HAHA! NO! You will suffer before I release you!" At that he yanks down your panties with just one finger, letting them fall to your ankles. You let out a loud squeak as he does so, the cold air of the cave blows against your pussy, causing you to break out in goosebumps. You watch in horror as he removes his pants and boxers revealing a large cock. "N-NO! P-PLEASE NO!" 

He growls in frustration, wrapping a hand tightly around your throat. You gasp for air, struggling against him but it is in vain. You let out a cry of pain as you feel Herobrine enter you. This is not your first time, but you have never had a cock as big as Herobrine's inside you before. "C-CAN'T B-BREATH!" You manage to sputter out, Herobrine loosens his grip on your throat however he pounds into your pussy. Your head keeps hitting against the stone wall behind you. The pain is extreme, causing you to start sobbing. 

This angers Herobrine, and with his dagger starts cutting you all over. Your screams of agony echo throughout the cave. After an unknown amount of time he pulls out, you collapse to the cave floor, whimpering in pain. Blood pooling around you from all the cuts he has inflicted. He pulls his pants and boxers up. "I think I've made my point mortal. HAHAHA!" He creates a portal to the Nether but before he steps inside you shout out in a hoarse voice. "WH-WHY?!" He turns his head and smiles evilly at you. "Why not? You angered me. Plus I am a God, I punish those whom I see fit to punish. Those who question or do not believe in my existence often suffer the worst of my wrath. Be thankful I let you live mortal woman. Many are not so lucky.

Tears blur your vision. "B-But why let me live? Wh-Why hurt me like this?! Out of all the other forms of punishment or torture you chose to sexually assault me, but why?!" He begins to laugh in amusement. "Again, why not? Stupid mortal!" With that he steps into the portal, him and the portal then disappear. You close your eyes, silently praying that this is in fact all a dream. 

Suddenly you sit up with a start upon feeling pressure on your stomach, you look all around to find yourself back in your room with your black cat Lucky staring up at you while sitting on your stomach. Meowing for attention. Smiling you pet him, but go still when you see faint white scars on your arms and legs. "It-It wasn't just a dream. . ." You whisper aloud to yourself. From the corner of your eye you swear you can see a tall figure with white eyes smirking at you.

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now