A Demon's Taste

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((I know this looks very similar to the one titled 'Kept Running'. That's because what is in this story is what I cut out of the other one. So consider this a raunchier version of that story. AKA Lemon version of it. Enjoy!))

You stood your ground, iron sword gripped in your hands as blood ran down your face from a cut. Your armor was cracked in many places, not providing much protection. You breathed heavily while staring into the glowing white eyes of the demon before you. You had gotten separated from your group and did not know what became of them. The demon smirked and chuckled as it approached you. "You can barely stand. Why don't you just admit defeat? You have fought quite honorably, and I am willing to make your death quick and relatively painless.

You shook your head no. The demon frowned and growled showing off sharpened teeth. Then it just disappeared. You looked all around for it but saw nothing. Suddenly you felt a presence behind you. You stood completely still, frozen in fear. The demon chuckled darkly, wrapped his arms around you, nipping at your neck. "Forgive me, but the smell of your blood is. . .Intoxicating~" He ran his tongue up your neck, sending goosebumps all over your body. "Please. Let me have a taste of it. Your friends were so bitter when I ate them and drank their blood. But you, hehe, you my dear have such a sweet, tart smell." He breathed huskily into your ear as he ran a hand down your side to your waist, "You're absolutely irresistible, your scent is driving me wild. I can't hold back any longer! NNGH!" He tilted your head to the side allowing him access to your neck. You closed your eyes tightly expecting the pain. He bit your neck, drawing forth blood which ran down your cracked iron armor to the ground. "Ahhahh~! Ohhhhhh my. Nnnnnn, your blood is far better than anything I've tasted before in all my centuries of living. I'm definitely keeping you around.~" He pulled his head back and licked his lips, not wanting to get carried away but he yearned for more of it. It was like a drug to him now.

"What is your name dear?" You tried to sound strong, "It's-It's Y/N." The demon laughed and wrapped his arms around your waist, lowering a hand to your crotch, stroking the space between your legs lightly. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N~. Call me Lord Herobrine or Master Herobrine, whichever you prefer.~ Though I would love to hear you call me 'Master Herobrine'.~" Herobrine started imitating your voice. "Ohhhh more Master Herobrine! Don't stop! I'm such a slut for you!~" Your face turned bright red at this and you really wanted to punch him. "I'm not that kind of a woman." You growled, he laughed. "For now. But in time I know you'll be moaning my name and begging for me. Begging for my ten inch cock inside you.~" Your eyes went wide at hearing how big he was. "W-Wait, what?!" Herobrine turned you around to face him, pressing his forehead against yours. "Yep, ten inches Y/N. Do you want to see it?~" You opened and closed your mouth several times, very flustered by this. Herobrine did not give you time to respond and removed your cracked iron armor, teleporting behind you. Before you could react to this you felt a hand sneak inside your pants and start stroking your clit. You gasped, never having experienced this kind of sensation or pleasure before. "Ahhh, so you must be a virgin then Y/N. Hehe, that makes me want to fuck you all the more!

Herobrine began to rub your clit even harder, you struggled to not let out a moan but small mewls of pleasure escape anyway. He laughed. "I can tell you're enjoying this Y/N~" You shook your head no but could not deny that it did feel good. With a snarl he gripped your throat with a hand, digging his claw like nails into your skin. "DON'T LIE TO ME!! I HATE LIARS!!" Visibly flinching at his tone he took this opportunity to rip your pants and underwear off of you. "I-I CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANY LONGER Y/N!!" Without warning he pulled down his own pants and boxers, you could not see how huge his dick was, but could feel it against the inside of your thighs. He teleported both of you to a nearby large tree and had you pressed up against it. Your eyes widened as you could see how huge his cock was in the moonlight as it shined down through the trees. He wasn't lying when he said ten inches, the thought of that monstrous cock going inside you filled your heart with dread. Herobrine chuckled and spread your legs apart, summoning vines to hold them in place so he could keep his hands free to do what he wanted with you.

Smirking he pressed his cock against your pussy lips, moaning softly as he pushed just the tip inside. "Ohhh~" A whimper of pain escaped your mouth as your hymen tore open. Herobrine ignored your cry of pain and with a buck of his hips drove his cock all the way inside you. "OHHHHH FUCK!!! S-SO DAMN TIGHT!!! NNNGHH!" He smashed his lips against yours, biting them, drawing blood. He sucked on the cut he made on your lip while thrusting his tongue into your mouth. You expected him to taste disgusting, like rotting meat or something. But his taste was salty. You arched your back as he ran his tongue sensually across the roof of your mouth. Smirking he pulled his head back, a thin string of saliva connecting your mouths. "How does my ten inches feel inside you Y/N?~" Herobrine began pounding his cock inside you, making you let out a loud moan every time he hit your cervix. Turning him on to no end. He began going even harder, snarling at you with his face buried into your neck. "SAY MY NAME BITCH!! SAY IT!! MOAN MY NAME!!" "AHHHAHHHAHHHH~!!! M-MASTER HEROBRINE!!!~" Herobrine lost himself and bit at your neck, lapping up the blood that flowed from it as he made you his bitch. His voice all husky and suave but with a feralness in it that was sexy as Hell. "That's right, moan my name as I fuck you into oblivion Y/N! NNN!! The taste of your blood in my mouth and feeling of your tight pussy around my cock at the same time is the closest thing I'll ever get to heaven!!~"

In a frenzy of passion he begins clawing at your thighs as he starts to reach orgasm, you can barely feel the pain over the pleasure of being fucked. Blood trickles down from the scratches he leaves on your thighs. "I-I'M GONNA. . .GONNA. . . !! OHHHHH FUCK Y/N!!!" You let out a gasp mixed with a moan as you felt his seed shoot deep inside your womb, filling it with his warmth. This sends you over the edge with pleasure. "OHHHHHHHH MASTER HEROBRINE!! AHHHAHHHHH!! F-FEELS SO GOOD!!" Smirking he keeps his cock inside of you until the last drop of cum was released. Slowly he pulled himself out of you and released the vines holding your legs, the hot thick liquid cum ran down your legs to the ground. Both of you needed a moment to catch your breath. You moreso than Herobrine. Herobrine grabbed you and teleported the both of you to his manor which was built inside a cave. The nights thereafter were filled with the cries of passion from both of you. 

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now