Hell Has Broken Free Tonight (Part II)

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((This is a part 2 to the Hell Has Broken Free Tonight story! This part is non-lemon by the way. Enjoy!))

Notch sat at his throne, ready to doze off when a guard entered the room. "A MESSAGE FOR YOU KING NOTCH!" Notch sat up immediately, his interest piqued. 'From who? I was not expecting any messages today.' He thought to himself. The guard walked up to the throne and kneeled before Notch, offering him the scroll that was tied around the hawks ankle. Notch took it. "Thank you. You are dismissed." The guard left without a word. Curious as to what the message said he untied the leather string that was keeping it from opening. Upon opening it, he read it casually figuring it to be something simple. But the contents of the note caused him great distress. The note read as follows. "Dear Notch, It's me Steve. He's back! Herobrine! Somehow he's managed to come back! We need to end him once and for all! Y/N claimed a demon raped her and after asking her what happened all she was able to tell me was that the demon said "Tell Steve, Herobrine paid a visit." She has no idea who he is and I have no clue why he targeted her. This all went down while I was out mining. I ended up getting lost in the mines and consequently was not home before all this happened. I'm sure if I was there, he wouldn't have come. As far as I know he's never done anything like this before! I would like to request that for the time being Y/N stays at your castle. I know she will be safe there. Please send a response as soon as you can. Thank you. Sincerely, Steve." 

Notch could hear the urgency in Steve's letter and immediately wrote one in return. He ordered a guard to his throne room. "Ericson! I am giving you a very important task. It is of upmost concern to me that this be done in as swiftly a manner as possible." Ericson bowed before King Notch. "I will do whatever your highness demands." "Good. I need you to hand deliver this note to Steve. In addition you will be bringing a young woman named Y/N back here to the castle. Do not delay!" Ericson took the note from King Notch and placed it inside a scroll pouch all guards were instructed to carry. "I will be as swift as the wind your highness!" With that Ericson ran down the stairs leading up to the throne and ordered the stableboys to saddle up the fastest horse King Notch had. The stableboys did so, and after ten minutes led out a pure white horse. A stableboy spoke as he handed the reigns to the guard Ericson. "H-His name is Zephyr." 

Ericson nodded his head and mounted the horse, spurred it into action and galloped across the lowered drawbridge. Following the map all guards were given of the kingdom. Ericson did not have to fear hostile mobs attacking as King Notch gave a command across all of Minecraftia that no mob or player is to attack a Royal guard for any reason. That was eleven years ago and not a single guard had been harmed during those years. Zephyr's hooves seemed to barely make contact with the ground and in no time he had arrived at Steve's location. He dismounted from Zephyr and approached the cabin knocking on the new door Steve just put up. Steve opened it, surprised to see a Royal Guard at his door. Ericson pulled the note out of his scroll pouch and held it directly out towards Steve. "His highness ordered me to personally deliver this to you." Steve took the note from the guard and opened it, reading it quickly. "Dear Steve, I have received your note and will send a Royal Guard to your house to pick up and escort Y/N back to the castle. I do not doubt that what you say is true and I have no idea how he managed to get into the Overworld after I banished him to the Nether! I also do not know why he resorted to raping Y/N though I get the feeling he's up to something, planning something big. He did this intentionally, I'm sure of it. I will continue to communicate with you on this matter. For the time being do not tell anyone that he is back, I want to keep this as secretive as possible to avoid unnecessary panic. I will write back to you again once Y/N has arrived so as to assure you that she arrived here safely. Sincerely, King Notch."

Steve let out a small sigh of relief before looking back at the guard. "She's still quite weak on her feet right now. I will bring her out." Steve left the living room and entered your bedroom, you managed to get yourself dressed despite the pain it caused. Steve walked towards you and picked you up bridal style, usually you would protest this but you were still processing what happened to you. Steve brought you outside to the waiting guard. "You will be staying with King Notch for the time being. You will be safe there. He will take very good care of you. I do not know when it will be safe for you to return so expect to stay there for a while." Steve kissed you on the cheek before giving you to the guard who propped you on the saddle. Ericson then mounted Zephyr and without another word galloped into the darkness back towards Notch's Castle. 

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