Hell Has Broken Free Tonight

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((I came up with the idea for this while listening to Disturbed song 'Sacrifice' from their album Asylum. Also I have received permission from the Artist Annkh-Redox to include her work in this story. I implore you to check out her deviantart account using the following link: https://www.deviantart.com/annkh-redox  Enjoy!))

'In a moment you will see my other side
When I'm confronted
My demeanor turns from Jekyll into Hyde'

As dawn broke, you spoke to Steve before he went off mining. He was his usual self; funny, happy, and excited at the prospect of finding diamonds. He was always back by dinner, but tonight he was not. A sinking feeling in the pit of you stomach told you something had gone horribly wrong while he was out mining. You ate dinner alone and waited nervously for him to return, sitting in a chair in the living room reading a book. A heavy pounding came from the door, startling you. Glancing at the clock you saw it was midnight. Deep inside you got the feeling that it was not Steve on the other side of the door. Frightened you stand up and slowly back away from the door which was beginning to crack from the force behind the fist banging on it.

You turned your back to the door to run but at that moment the door was flung off its hinges. Not hesitating or looking back you ran to your room, shutting and locking the door behind you. Aware that it would clearly not stop the thing after you but would buy you some time to grab a weapon. Frantically searching through the chest in your room you finally found what you were looking for, an iron sword. You took it out just in time as the door to your room swung open. In the doorway stood a beast of a man, all you could see was his darkened silhouette as the light from the torches flickered behind him. Then you noticed it, glowing white eyes. Pure terror gripped your heart, a snarl emanated from the beings throat. This was no man, it was surely a demon.

'Hell has broken free tonightNo pale deception anymoreYou awoke him, now he will feedOn the liesHe demands your sacrifice'

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'Hell has broken free tonight
No pale deception anymore
You awoke him, now he will feed
On the lies
He demands your sacrifice'

The demon spoke and you did not recognize the voice at all, it did not resemble Steve's in any way. It was a low, gravely, baritone voice that sent shivers down your spine. "Nngh, so it seems like my brother got himself a female companion. Wonderful~" The demon began to approach you, a sickening smirk on its face as it drew closer. With every step it took forwards, you took one backwards until your back was against the wall, nowhere to go to escape this demon. "Wh-Who or wh-what are you and what do you want with me?!!" Fear laced your voice. The demon threw its head back, letting out a malicious and sadistic laugh. "AHAHAHAHA!!" Without giving you an answer it yanked you up by your shirt collar and threw you onto your bed. In the blink of an eye it was atop you. You tried to stab it with the iron sword you still had gripped tightly in you hand but a sharp pain in your wrist forced you to drop it. Glancing at your wrist you saw it was bent at an odd angle, clearly broken. You looked away from it, and into the eyes of your attacker. Searching desperately to find a speck of humanity in them, but you found none. Only madness, lust, and rage. 

'I can barely control this feeling
Look at the murder in my eyes
I was never good at concealing
Violent thoughts have come to life'

Growling the demon gripped your throat tightly with one hand, while yanking your pants and underwear to your ankles with the other. You shook your head no, angering the demon making it grip your throat even tighter, as it leaned it's face close to yours. "Don't resist me HUMAN!" You were unable to breath, opening and closing your mouth in a vain attempt to get air into your lungs. The demon loosened his grip slightly allowing you to breath again, confident he made his point across. "Don't move!" The demon stood up and took off his pants, revealing an erect cock. Before you could react he was atop you again, pinning you under his weight as he spread your legs apart. "NO! P-PLEASE NO!!" You sobbed out, begging the demon to not do it. 

Your begging and pleading only excited the demon. A deep throaty purr came from the demon, its form of a chuckle and it thrust itself all the way inside you. Not giving you time to get accustomed to its huge size. You screamed in agony as the demon ravaged your insides. With a clawed hand it ripped off your shirt and bra, biting at your breasts, neck, and shoulders then sucking on the bites. Leaving deep purple and blue bruises all over. The agony you felt was unbearable, each thrust of its cock made you gasp in pain. "NNGH! SO TIGHT!!" Digging its claws into your shoulders it began fucking you even harder. The crazed look in its eyes became more intense as it got closer to orgasm. 

'Horror will have a deeper meaning
You are the reason this began
Even now I can hear you screaming
There's only one thing left to destroy'

With no warning it thrust inside you one last time, letting out a loud snarl as it came inside you. A scream of pain escaped your mouth as your already raw pussy was filled with this demons cum. It waited until all of its cum was inside you before pulling out. It got up off you and dressed itself, smirking. "When Steve returns, tell him Herobrine paid you a visit. He'll know who that is." With an evil sadistic laugh it left the room, shutting the door behind it and teleporting back to wherever it came from. You laid on the bed, quietly sobbing in pain. 

After a while you tried to get up off the bed and dress yourself but your legs collapsed beneath you making you fall to the floor. With your good hand you reached over and pulled a blanket off the bed, wrapping yourself in it. Scooting yourself up against a wall of the room. There you waited for Steve to return. Hours ticked by and at last you heard him enter the house. Worry in his voice. "Y/N?! Y/N where are you?!" A soft 'here' caught his attention and he ran into your room, slowly opening the door. 

He instantly knew something was wrong, just by the way you were acting and the disarray the room was in. He slowly approached and  kneeled down next to you, placing his iron pickax to the side.  Worry and panic filled his voice as he spoke,"What happened Y/N?!"  You looked him in the eyes, saying nothing. You did not need to say anything as Steve looked around the room, able to figure out what happened by the torn clothes, the blood on the sheets, the iron sword on the floor and you being wrapped in a blanket. He hugged you tightly. "I-I'm so sorry Y/N! Who did this?!" Your voice quivered as you spoke to Steve, staring at your feet, to ashamed to tell him while looking into his eyes. "A-A demon. . .H-He told me to tell you that 'Herobrine' paid a visit. . ." 

Steve froze in place, his eyes widened as he heard the name. Gently gripping your shoulders he asked you again. "Who was it?!" You sobbed and shouted as loud as you could. "A DEMON! HE NEVER TOLD ME HIS NAME! J-JUST THAT HEROBRINE PAID A VISIT!!" You began coughing violently after shouting so loudly, tears streaming down your face. Steve held you close, gently running a hand through your hair as he comforted you. That's when he notices your broken wrist and gently lifts it up making you yelp. "Sorry! Did. . .the demon do this?" You nodded your head.  Steve pulled a potion out of his pocket, and offered it to you. It was a soft cyan color. "Drink this, it fixes broken bones." He removed the cork stopper, then placed it in your good hand. You drank all the contents in the bottle, gagging slightly at the bitter taste of it. Steve took the now empty potion bottle from you. You watched as your wrist righted itself and the bones mended. After it was in the correct position, you moved it around a bit, happy to see that it no longer hurt and was completely healed. 

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm. . .So sorry Y/N." Secretly he blamed himself for what happened to you. He needed to let Notch know about this and quickly! He stood up and walked over towards the desk in the room, pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, then began writing a letter. He took the messenger hawk Notch gave him and attached the note to its ankle. Stepped outside and it took off towards Notch's castle. Steve watched it as it soon disappeared from sight. 

((Thank you for reading this! Part 2 is in the works!))

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