Justice's Vengeance (Non-Lemon)

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((I got inspired to write this after listening to Disturbed's song 'Innocence' from their album 'Asylum'. No reader in this one, but regardless; Enjoy!))

He heard their cries. Their howls of agony as they were repeatedly denied justice. Blood stained the cobblestones red, the executioners blade dull from use. The throngs of people who could only watch helplessly as their neighbors, family, and friends were lead to death one by one. They had no trial, no jury, no one was given a sentence other than death. Innocent or not. The king sat from his throne, indifferent to the suffering of the people under his rule. He needed to wash away any resistance to his rule and he washed it away with blood. Guards grabbed random people off the streets and they were lead to slaughter. A young child cried out for its mother as her head rolled across the city square, eyes open and lifeless. He could stand it no longer.

A deafening crack of thunder sounded from above. Lightning flashed as a figure floated above the carnage. His eyes covered with bloodied bandages, his wings withered and broken. With one hand he removed the bandages to reveal glowing white eyes. He saw all before him and felt their pain. Their loss. Their fear. He felt all of it and spoke in a deep voice that silenced all. "I have heard you, and have come to save you. Fear not, I am not here to harm, but to deliver swift and brutal justice on those who have ripped families apart, spilled innocent blood, and spoken nothing but lies." He glared down at the executioner and struck him down with a bolt of lightning, purple and black flames consumed the executioner. Herobrine could see his sins and watched as the man burnt to death. 

The crowd became fearful of the entity before them. Returning his attention towards them he spoke calmly. "Go back to your homes and stay there for the night. I must implore you that you not leave your houses during this night, nor look out the windows of your homes. For tonight I shall smite all who harmed you. If my army sees you, they will kill you. All who betrayed their family, friends, and neighbors will face judgement tonight. If you are not guilty you will be spared and passed by. If you are guilty of such acts, then pray to whatever God you worship for mercy upon your soul.

Herobrine watched as the crowd of people dispersed, going to their homes and shutting their doors. Opening his arms to the heavens, a giant crack of lightning split the sky open and from the heavens rained down the blood of innocents. Each drop that landed became a fully armed soldier. These soldiers were souls of those who never received the justice they deserved in life. The cries and wails of a million souls filled the air. Their chorus was maddening to the sinner. The guards who had contributed to the slaughter of their own people fell before the spears and swords of the army Herobrine amassed. They bled thick, black blood which had the consistency of tar and smelled of corruption, lies, and decay. Herobrine led his army into the castle gates and lightning struck the stone fortifications, making them crumble into rubble. 

While his army took care of the guards and others guilty of murder, Herobrine made his way into the throne room where the king sat. Fat, pompous, balding, surrounded by luxury. "This palace of yours is built upon nothing but lies, deceit, corruption, and blood. . .Notch." Notch turned his head and looked at Herobrine, laughing. "Do you think you can take me out?!" "Good will always triumph over evil. Justice will always prevail in the end. Your days of dictatorship are over."

Notch got up off his throne and drew an obsidian blade from a sheath at his side, approaching Herobrine. Herobrine lifted a hand and with an invisible force, threw Notch backwards. "Fighting is futile. I am immortal and cannot be killed by weapons you have forged. Do you know who I am?" Notch scoffed as he stood up. "No! And I don't fucking care!" "I am Herobrine. The God of Justice. I have heard the cries of your people and answered their prayers. My army is laying waste to your men. Who are you to cast death upon a person? An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind, and you are truly blind. But by greed, lust, and power. I've seen everything you've done Notch. All the evils you wrought upon Minecraftia. The pain you caused." Notch ran towards Herobrine with sword drawn. Herobrine drew his own blade, made of diamond. And blocked Notch's blow. 

The two fought throughout the night and when dawn arose the next morning Herobrine was at Notch's feet. Bleeding and wounded,  one of his wings had been cut off during the fight. Notch pointed the tip of his blade at Herobrine's throat, a vicious smirk on his face. "I think this is checkmate, oh God of Justice! AND I WIN!!" Herobrine touched Notch's blade with the tip of his finger and the sword crumbled to ash. Herobrine's eyes glowed even brighter and he floated a foot off the floor. The lapis tile floor cracking as steam poured out of the cracks. "I'm sending you to the Nether. Personally." Herobrine lifted Notch up a foot into the air with one hand by his collar and walked towards the portal that had formed on the floor. Screams of the damned came from it. Hundreds of blackened burned hands groaned and reached up out of the portal. Herobrine let go of Notch and the arms began grabbing Notch and dragging him down. Notch looked at Herobrine in fear. "P-PLEASE! D-DON'T DO THIS TO ME!! I-I CAN CHANGE! G-GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE!!" Herobrine stared down at him, anger in his eyes as he saw all of the evil and wicked things Notch had done throughout his life. Snarling he kicked Notch in the face. "CHILDREN! YOU RIPPED THEM OF THEIR INNOCENCE!! CONCUBINES YOU IMPREGNATED YOU MURDERED! THEIR BODIES THROWN INTO A DRIED UP WELL!! YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU GET!!" Herobrine stomped down on Notch's hands as Notch desperately tried to pull himself out of the grasp of the arms. Notch screamed and the arms engulfed him, yanking him into the portal which then disappeared. Notch's scream still echoing in the room. Sheathing his sword and without another word Herobrine vanished along with his army. An eerie silence fell over the castle and the city outside of it. No dogs barked, no roosters crowed. As if all the world was holding a moment of silence for those innocents whose lives were lost at the hands of a madman. After one minute, the dogs barked, the roosters crowed. Life would go back to normal. None would forget what had happened, and the story would be passed on for generations. Even centuries later his statue still stands, erected in the exact spot where he appeared before those people in his divine glory.  

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now