Losing a Bet

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((This one is very long, but regardless, I hope you enjoy it!))

You lost a bet to both Herobrine and Steve, and as you went to Steve's cabin you got a bad feeling, like you should turn around and run for the hills. You shrugged the feeling off, it was just nerves. You walked up to the front porch and knocked. Herobrine answered it, he was shirtless and wearing a pair of swim trunks. A smirk on his face. "Just in time! Me and Steve were about ready to go down to that waterfall he found while mining. Beautiful spot really. Why don't you join us Y/N?" You felt your cheeks go pink at the suggestion and at seeing Herobrine being shirtless. His body was covered in scars both new and old. Yet he looked so hot to you. From behind Herobrine steps out Steve, also wearing a pair of swim trunks. He holds up a red string bikini for you. "Early birthday present Y/N!" You hesitantly took it from him and got a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that this was all part of your 'punishment'. "Oh, well thank you Steve!" Herobrine smiled. "Why don't you put it on once we get down to the spot? There are a lot of tree's down there for you to hide behind and change." "Can I change here?" Herobrine looked at Steve. A smirk tugged at the corner of Steve's mouth. "Sorry, no. It will be fine though Y/N." 

You followed Herobrine and Steve as they led you to the location. After a 15 minute walk you made it, gasping in awe at the beauty of it. Steve put a hand on your shoulder. "It is lovely. Now go and get changed." You nodded your head and ran to a tree that was far enough away that they couldn't spy on you. Taking off your clothes you put the string bikini on and instantly regretted doing so. It left very little to the imagination. You put your shirt  on over it and walked back over sheepishly. Steve was the one to speak. "What's wrong Y/N? Did it not fit?" 

You stared at your feet. "N-No it fits. . .It's just that. . .W-Well. . .It-It shows a lot of skin and I'm not comfortable wearing it in front of you two." Herobrine laughed and walked over to you, taking your shirt off whistling when he did so. Steve smiled and swam over to where you and Herobrine were standing which was on the sandy banks of the river the waterfall fed into. Steve and Herobrine looked at each other then Herobrine shoved you into the water making you let out a loud shriek. Herobrine laughed and jumped in after you. You surfaced, gasping for air after the unexpected shove into the water. Turning your head you saw Steve and Herobrine looking at you lustfully. You shuddered and tried to scramble out of the river but you were to slow and ended up being yanked back in by Steve. "WH-WHAT THE NETHER IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!!" Herobrine laughed manically. "This is your punishment for losing the bet!" Steve pulled you closer to the waterfall as Herobrine swam over to you, tilting your chin up. "And this is just the beginning Y/N. The best is yet to come~." You shuddered, not liking where this was going and wished you had listened to your instincts earlier that told you to run away and not knock on the door. You felt yourself being pushed up against cold wet stone. You looked up and realized you were behind the waterfall. Steve was standing in front of you, your feet could touch the bottom. 

"P-Please! St-Steve don't do this!" Tears began to fill your eyes and Steve hugged you reassuringly. "I'm really sorry for scaring you like that Y/N. This was all Herobrine's plan, not mine. I suggested we just have you buy us drinks next time we went to a tavern together. He had other ideas though. For your sake, please just try to enjoy it. We both know how Herobrine gets when he's angry." You nodded your head in understanding. Herobrine soon entered behind the waterfall as well, glaring at Steve. "You're taking to long! Take a seat and watch how A REAL MAN fucks a woman!" Herobrine placed his hands on your waist and with one hand untied one of the bows that held the bottom of the string bikini up. He did the same with the other side, letting the bottoms of the bikini fall into the water. He pinned your hands above your head, passionately kissing you on the lips.

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now