Softening a Demon's Heart (Non-Lemon)

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Herobrine walked into the large village of Duponti at midnight when everyone was asleep. Duponti was a rather crime ridden village where everyone relied on drugs or alcohol to get by because of corruption in their leaders. Herobrine hated corruption, it was a blight that needed to be eradicated. That was why he came, he was going to 'free' the villagers from their sorry existence.  When the clock struck midnight he teleported into the town square, floating a good ten feet in the air. Fireballs glowed in his hands, soon a ring of fireballs surrounded him, then all shot in different directions. Setting structures ablaze, before long the entire village was nothing more than a raging inferno. 

Smirking, Herobrine left the village with his hands in his pockets, but he felt a little hand tugging on his arm. Turning his head he saw a skinny little girl who had to be no older than six. Her clothes were basically rags, she was barefoot and had burned feet from walking on hot ash that now coated the streets of the village. Her hair was matted and tears ran down her soot covered face. "M-Mister?" 

Herobrine snarled at the little girl. "What the Nether do you want kid?! Get lost!!" He shoved her away, she fell to the ground with a yelp. Annoying Herobrine who just kept walking ahead, not turning to look at her. The sound of little footsteps pitter-pattered behind him, he did not acknowledge her as she followed him. Eventually he grew tired of her and with a shout of anger whipped around to yell at the little girl but stopped. He saw the trail of bloody footprints that went back as far as he could see. Looking down at her, she sniffled and wiped away her tears. "Wh-Why did you set fire to our village mister? Did we upset you or anger you? W-Was I a bad girl and that's why you took mama and everyone away?" The innocence in her voice took Herobrine aback. Didn't she know who and what she was talking to?!. "No. . .You did nothing wrong." "Then why did you take mama away? Was she bad too?" 

Herobrine turned back around, an aching feeling inside his chest. 'Is this, guilt?' He thought to himself. While lost in thought he felt tiny arms wrap themselves around his leg. Looking down at his feet the little girl stared up at him. Her eyes filled with pain, not fear. Softening the demons heart. She was completely innocent of all he hated those villagers for. She had not yet seen or experienced the evils of the world, hadn't been tainted or jaded by humanity. Herobrine sighed and picked the little girl up. He was surprised at how light weight she was, that's when he noticed she was only skin and bones. Gaunt, weak, and had no body fat. She trembled in his arms, as though the slightest breeze would blow her away. 

He took a deep breath. "Whats your name little one? I'm Herobrine." "L-Lilly." Herobrine took off his shirt and wrapped it around her, revealing all the many scars which covered his body. She did not judge and just curled into the shirt, shaking. "Are you scared of me?" Lilly looked Herobrine right in his glowing white eyes. "Why would I be scared of you?" Herobrine sighed heavily and looked away, breaking eye contact with her. "Because I'm a demon. A monster that seeks only to destroy. I'm worse than any of the mobs your parents warned you about." Skinny arms wrapped around his neck. "I don't think you're a monster. Monsters are big, mean, scary, with lots of sharp teeth!" Herobrine laughed at this and revealed his fangs. "What, this doesn't count as lots of sharp teeth?" Lilly shook her head no and rested her head against Herobrine's chest, exhausted and in pain. Herobrine could smell the blood dripping from her tiny burned feet. "Sleep for now little one. It will be okay." Lilly soon fell fast asleep. Herobrine knew he was not parenting material, but for Lilly's sake he would try his best. The first thing she needed was a bath but he was not comfortable doing that himself as he was a fully grown man. It would be weird. 

Nobody else was going to do it though, 'Sacrifices must be made.' Herobrine started searching for a good spot to build a house for the two of them. After searching for a while he finally found the perfect place to build a house. It was surrounded by plains and mountain biomes. Gently laying Lilly in the grass he got to work on building the house for them. 

It took him three full days and nights to complete it but he loved the end result

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It took him three full days and nights to complete it but he loved the end result. The end result being a house big enough for him and Lilly to live in comfortably. He walked over towards where Lilly was laying, she was breathing heavily. Something was wrong. Herobrine picked her up and carried her inside the house. She had a fever. Checking the wounds on her feet he saw that they had become infected, badly infected. "Shit! I knew I should have done something about that sooner. Little one won't live for much longer if I don't do something now though." He began searching through the chests, trying to find anything that could help. Spotting an empty bucket he pulled it out and ran outside, getting milk from a cow. Coming back inside he poured the milk into a glass then approached Lilly. Gingerly tapped her awake. "Hey. Can you drink this for me little one? It will make you feel better." She nodded her head and took the glass from him, gulping the contents down like it was water in the desert. He smiled and rubbed the top of her head. "Thank you. Now get some rest and get better soon." He felt the urge to protect Lilly from any and all harm. Like a big brother. 

((If you guys want to see a longer version of this please do let me know and I will be happy to do so. Screenshot used is my own.))

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