Monster (Non-Lemon)

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((I received permission from the artist Annkh-Redox to include their work in this story. I implore you to check out their deviantart account using the following link, they are seriously awesome: ))

Steve gripped his head as the demon inside of him fought desperately to come out and wreak havoc upon the world. It wanted to murder, ravage, and destroy and would stop at nothing to do just that. He did not want Y/N to see him like this and had no idea what he would do to her in that state. So he ran as far away from his home as possible, not realizing he was running towards one of the larger cities in Minecraftia, Dartmoore. It was a large city mostly made up of manufacturing plants, and factories. If someone destroyed it, more than half of Minecraftia would be without essential things like pickax's, flint & steel, iron ingots, and redstone. 

The monster inside of his head screamed to be released. It could be held back no longer and he caved into its demands, letting it take over his body. His eyes once a kind blue became glowing white orbs. He threw his head back and let out a manic laugh, relieved at having broken the man whose body he had possessed. He had to do what he came out to do, destroy the city of Dartmoore. He floated high into the air smirking. The workers who were getting off, stared up at the entity floating above their city. Terror gripped their hearts, yet they could not look away from it. The omen of their doom was right in front of them and they could do nothing but wait to die. Summoning a huge fireball Steve threw it down onto the city, breaking it out into a huge conflagration which consumed everything in it's path. The wooden structures crumbled to cinders as people inside the buildings were trapped. The lucky ones died of smoke inhalation, the others were burned alive their screams filling the night air. The whole city echoed of screams. Herobrine laughed at this and flew down towards the city to personally murder some people. But a figure wearing black armor stood in his way. Wielding an enchanted diamond blade. He laughed, "You amuse me. For your feeble attempt to protect these citizens I will make your death quick and painless." The black armored warrior said nothing and just charged at Herobrine. Pulling out a diamond pickax Herobrine blocked it. Grunting slightly. "Well, if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get. Just know this will be the last battle you ever fight in." The figure spoke, the voice slightly recognizable but not quite as it was muffled by the armor. It was feminine though. "If it is the last battle then I will gladly accept my fate. But until such a time comes and the lord decides it is my time to go, I will continue to fight evil like you." 

Herobrine laughed and the two fought as the city around them burned. The crowd around them began getting bigger. The clashing of weapons and the strength the two were doling blows out just shocked the people who lived in the city. Neither one could seem to get the upper hand on the other. But Herobrine pulled a dirty move. He teleported behind the warrior and thrust his diamond pickax into the warriors back. Making it collapse to the ground. Herobrine, smirking leaned down and pulled the pickax out of the warriors back. "You failed warrior.

Breathing heavily the warrior slowly got to their feet, standing up despite the blood running down their back and pooling on the stone bricks beneath them. Herobrine was surprised by this. "How can you stand?!" The warrior, winded but not backing down spoke. "Willpower. I refuse to let you kill these innocent people. They have done you no wrong, so since they cannot fight. I fight for them. I have the strength of a thousand inside me." Herobrine and the warrior continued trading blows, the warrior seemingly even stronger than before despite a wound that would have been fatal to any ordinary man. After a while, Herobrine grew tired of the battle, getting bored. So teleporting once again he stabbed the warrior, this time from the front and the warrior fell to the ground. Not moving an inch. The warrior spoke in a faint whisper. "R-Remove my helmet. . ." Honoring the warriors request and also curious to see who fought him he did so and dropped the helmet in shock and horror. It was Y/N! 

Steve and the demon fought in his mind. His eyes rapidly  and repeatedly switching from glowing white to blue. Steve won though and held Y/N's body in his arms. He had no potions on him to help her. Blood dripped from her mouth as her breathing grew still and she went limp. He held her close and let out a scream. It began to rain as if the heavens themselves were mourning her loss. He knew she would respawn but he also knew she wouldn't be the same. He lowered her body onto the ground and gripped his head tightly, sobbing. "I'M A MONSTER!! I'M A FUCKING MONSTER!" His diamond pickax beside him, coated in her blood. 


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Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now