Stargazing (Not-Lemon)

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((NOTE: This story is more sweet and gentle than the other ones I have written. So if you came for BDSM or Rough Sex, sorry but this is not the story for you. Hope you all enjoy!))

It is quite late one evening, but despite the danger of hostile mobs you decide to climb onto the roof of your house and stare up at the stars. You trace the different constellations with your fingers, saying the names as you trace them. Over time you get the sensation of being watched so you turn your head to spot a man standing atop a tree in the nearby distance. The lack of a moon makes him difficult to spot, all you can make out are bright white eyes. This does not match any kind of mob you are familiar with.

Not aware of who or what this entity is, yet sensing no malice you gesture the figure to come towards you. The figure does not move for a couple seconds, then suddenly it simply disappears. You blink a couple of times, questioning yourself if it was merely the shadows of the surrounding forest playing tricks on you. "That doesn't explain those white eyes though." You whisper to yourself. Shrugging the incident off you go back to staring up at the stars, becoming lost in thought as you stare up at them. Without a real reason you start singing a song by one of your favorite bands 'Welcome to the Universe' by 30 Seconds to Mars.

Once you get to the first chorus you hear another voice join with your own.

"You wait in the balance libertine! Come into the Pantheon!

Welcome to the universe!
Welcome to the universe!

The voice continues to sing with your own all the way to the end of the song, drawing it out just like Jared Leto. After the song you look around and speak into the night. "Who just sang with me? You sing quite well and I would like to place a face to the voice." Silence fills the air, leaving you to ponder what entity had just decided to join you in song. 

Sighing heavily you go back to staring at the stars. The sound of footsteps momentarily startles you. Looking all around, you spot that same entity from earlier standing on the roof of your house less than ten feet away from you. A deep voice cuts through the cool night air like a hot knife through butter, it sends chills up and down your spine as the figure draws closer.

"And so the time, has come.

It's here. . .

The silence ends, a change is near. . ."

You are stunned into silence and watch as the figure disappears then suddenly reappears right in front of you. Kneeling down next to you, those glowing white eyes seemingly boring into your soul. "W-Were you the one who sang just now?" Your heart begins quickening in its beats. The entity does not speak, instead nodding its head. You smile at the entity, whom you do not recognize or recall. You stammer out. "Y-You have a very nice voice."  "Thank you. You do as well. Mind telling me what you are doing out so late human?" Raising an eyebrow at him calling you 'human' you get the sensation that this being before you was not human but rather something more akin to a god. 

"M-My name is Y/N. What is yours if you do not mind me asking." The man blinks a couple of times, a look of surprise on his face. "You don't know who I am?" He speaks incredulously. You shake your head no. "I am sorry but no." "I am Herobrine." No bells ring in your head upon hearing this name. "Sorry, but that name does not sound at all familiar to me." 'Herobrine' sighs heavily. "That's fine. . .most who hear my name or see my face run away screaming in terror." "Why is that? Are you evil or something?" "Sorta. . .I'm a god of Death and Destruction. . ." "So what do you want with me?" His face gets a little red. "Well. . .Uh. . .S-Sometimes I come up to the Overworld, as it gets boring down in the Nether." "And do what exactly?" "I-I um. . .Destroy things and uh. . .kill people." You raise an eyebrow at this before laughing, he looks at you confused. "What's so funny?" "You! You say you are a god of Death and Destruction yet you look nothing like how I would picture such a god! Hehe, it's amusing really." "Well what did you expect?" There is slight annoyance in his tone, you smile. "I expected a man surrounded by thunder and lightning having a chariot pulled by skeleton horses across the sky. A man cloaked in darkness with red eyes, holding a spear or sword that he uses to spread disease by swiping it over the land as he flies through the night sky. His cloak flapping behind him in the wind." 

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now