Songbird (Not Lemon)

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You walk through the green fields, sunflowers gently swaying in the breeze as you play your lyre. No particular tune in mind, just playing it. Plucking away at the strings making a melody so lovely the sun seems to shine even brighter. You pass by a thick birch forest with your lyre, the branches in the trees stretch out closer, entranced by the sound. 

You do not know it, but nearby in the forest lurks an entity all know and fear. The God of Darkness, Chaos, Destruction, and Pain. Herobrine. He stares at you from the darkness brought by foliage cover, waiting for the right moment to strike. His animalistic bloodlust is insatiable, unable to hold back he charges at you, however you were across a field now so he has to run further to get to you. Hearing footsteps crashing towards you, you turn in the direction the footsteps are coming from and nearly faint when you see Herobrine sprinting towards you.

You back up, startled. But, as if your hands are being controlled by some otherworldly force you begin to play your lyre once again. Singing with it a song so beautiful that Herobrine stops dead in his tracks three meters away from you. 

You sing and pour your heart out while playing your lyre. Knowing your music is the only thing stopping the almighty Herobrine from literally tearing you apart. After plucking the last note of the song you stare at Herobrine, wondering what he will do next. 

Herobrine's POV

'That song, her voice, it's heavenly!' I clear my throat and slowly approach her, she backs up. I begin to speak in a calm albeit slightly enchanted tone as I use my persuasive mind powers on her. "Your skills with a lyre rival even that of Orpheus or Apollo. In fact, I can no longer hear the voices in my head, my inner demons are silenced and I have reason to believe it is because of you." I watch her closely for a response. Her cheeks become red as she stammers out a thank you. I internally smirk, knowing I almost have her in my grasp. 

"I feel human once more. Please, I beg of you to come back to my castle with me and play your lyre for me and any company I may have. Your voice, that song, it is truly heavenly, as if an angel was singing it." I begin slowly walking towards her, she does not back up this time though. Instead she stares up at me with large blue eyes. There is something about her that makes me think she is not purely human but something else. Something divine. Those eyes. . .Dammit I cannot bring myself to hurt her or bring her back to the Nether! Without knowing I begin thinking out loud. "She's far to beautiful to bring back to the Nether. Something of such beauty does not belong there. A caged songbird will not sing for it longs to feel the air beneath its wings. She would be a caged songbird if I brought her back. Notch would never allow me to stay up here on the surface with her though. Perhaps, her singing will calm his soul like it has mine and he will allow me to be here on the surface once more."

She begins to blush a bright bright crimson and now I realize I have been speaking my thoughts aloud! I turn away from her, ashamed to be in the company of an angel when I myself am a monster. Before I can walk away though her voice calls to me. "I-I would be more than happy to be a 'songbird' for you. So long as I can stay here in the Overworld." I turn back around to face her. "Why though? You deserve so much better than me to play your lyre and sing."  "Music speaks to the heart, and is more intricate than any language of human tongue. Emotions can be conveyed without words, stories told without narration merely by plucking strings or beating a drum." Her response shows she is wise beyond her years, I smile at her. A true genuine smile, the action feels foreign to me. She smiles back at me, butterflies begin fluttering around in my stomach. "Um, do you know where Notch's castle is Herobrine?" 

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