Saving the Demon

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((I received permission from the Artist Annkh-Redox to include her work in this story. The title of the artwork is Herobrine (newColors) please check out her deviantart account in the link here: ))

You had heard the legends, the rumors, the stories, all about a temple so deep into the desert that few have ever seen it and fewer still have entered it. Nothing goes near it, nothing grows near it either, the sun does not shine in that part of the desert, there is always a thunderstorm looming over the temple. As though something of pure evil lurked inside of it. 

You did not believe any of the rumors though, but as an adventurous soul with a thirst for danger you decided to find this temple at all costs and discover what lay beneath it's expansive crumbling ruins. Last night you had arrived at a desert village closest to the desert temple, it was surprisingly large and an old couple were more than happy to give you food and shelter for the night. They asked you where you were going the next morning, when you told them their eyes went wide, their pupils dilated, their faces became pale. The old man whispers something into his wifes ear, she nods her head and leaves the room. A grave expression rests on the old man's face. "You're a damn fool!" He shouts at you. "You won't make it to the temple where the evil lurks! All kinds of hostile mobs roam that area where the sun does not reach! You won't last three seconds out there!" Sighing you open your dusty satchel and pull out a huge ruby, holding it up. "The eye of Rakbah. People told me it was a mere legend, that it did not exist. Yet I found it deep in the jungle. All kinds of booby traps filled that temple but I managed to evade every single one." The old mans face gets red and he sputters out. "I-I don't believe it! You could have just faked it by dying a diamond red! " 

You sigh heavily, knowing it is going to take a great deal of convincing on your part to get this old man to tell you what he knows about the Large Desert Temple. You place the ruby back in your satchel, rummage around a bit then pull out a huge sack of emeralds, the mans eyes go wide at seeing all the emeralds. "The Mountain of Green Fire. I found it and mined part of it. These are the purest quality emeralds over all of Minecraftia. They shimmer when held up to sunlight, unlike regular emeralds." You pick an emerald up and hold it to the sunbeam pouring in through the window. The Emerald glitters and shimmers, covering the room in bright green specks from the light going through it. The old man looks at you. "Alright traveler I believe you. How much for one of those emeralds?" You casually place the Emerald back on the table. "64 units of Redstone dust. Probably more than you have. Three diamonds will also work." The old man grumbles and mutters to himself, going to a wall in the corner of the room, pulling a well concealed lever revealing a chest filled to the brim with diamonds. "Wh-Where did you get all those diamonds?!" The old man laughs at your reaction. "You'd be surprised how many experienced miners find themselves dead by mobs here in the desert. I took all of their diamond tools and broke them down, taking the diamonds. This here is a culmination of 25 years of finding dead miners. There are many mines around here full of Lapis, Gold, Redstone, Coal, and Diamond. So it is no wonder these guys left with so many diamonds." You blink a couple of times. "64 Emeralds for 64 diamonds, fair trade?" The old man chuckles. "Hell you can have more of them if you want. Me and my wife don't have any children, so we have nobody to pass our fortune on to. You seem like an honest sort of person, I'm sure you can put them to good use." 

You nod your head. "When I come back I will be sure to retrieve them, if I take them with me now my satchel will be to heavy and I will need to double or triple my rations in order to make it to my destination." The old man looks at you with pity and worry. "You know, I really don't like the idea of a young woman such as yourself going out to find that temple. No good can come of it. That place is tainted with evil!" You place the emeralds back in your satchel and sigh. "I am well aware. The townsfolk told me you and your wife have been here the longest and you know more about this Desert Temple than anyone else. If the rumors are true, you should be able to help me a great deal and giving me the info you have will make my chances of survival even higher." 

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now