How Evil is Born (non-lemon)

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((I came up with the idea for this story when I was thinking about how it was Herobrine became 'evil' and this is what I came up with. Enjoy!))

Herobrine stared at his brother Notch. Tears of pain rolling down his cheeks. "Why? I-I trusted you! I-I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU ASKED OF ME!! I KILLED! STOLE! LIED! CHEATED! ALL OF IT FOR YOU!! I DID IT ALL WITHOUT QUESTION!" Notch smirked at Herobrine. "For that I do thank you greatly. You've been very obedient and loyal to me brother." Notch placed a hand on Herobrine's shoulder, Herobrine stepped back. "D-Don't touch me! I-I LET MY INNOCENCE GO BECAUSE OF YOU!! I-I CAN'T SLEEP AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU HAVE MADE ME DO!! YOU MADE ME BURY MY HUMANITY DEEP INSIDE ME!! ALL I WANTED WAS YOUR APPROVAL! VALIDATION! PRAISE!!" 

Notch chuckled at Herobrine and sat down at the desk in his chamber. "I did nothing but awake something that was in you already. Admit it, you enjoyed the killing, the slaughter of my opponents." Herobrine shook his head no. "N-NO!!" Notch sneered. "I don't have time to deal with your antics right now Herobrine. I have to work on running a kingdom. Go busy yourself with something like practicing your archery or whatever it is you do in your free time." Herobrine huffed and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Wiping the tears from his eyes he silently vowed to himself that he would not allow Notch to take advantage of him like that again. Or anyone else. He left the castle and went into the nearby forest. Legend had it that there was a mausoleum hidden deep in the forest. Inside of it lay the power of a God! It was just a legend to everyone, except to him.

Herobrine had found the mausoleum by pure accident when he was younger, playing hide and seek with Steve his twin brother. Those were simpler times. Herobrine remembered the location of the mausoleum and despite how much the forest had grown around it, most everything was the same. Pushing aside vegetation he spotted it, it's mossy cobblestone exterior the same as it was that day. At first he was scared to enter it, but quickly realized that he was the only one who could stop Notch now. He entered the mausoleum and descended the staircase. At the bottom of the staircase was a narrow passageway lined with redstone torches. The passageway led to a room guarded by two skeletons who stood completely still. Moss had grown over them, cobwebs spun inside their ribcages. Herobrine sensed that they were dormant and would awake as soon as he stepped foot in the passageway. To test this he picked up a rock and threw it into the passageway. The guards moved, bows pointed towards the rock. After a few seconds and nothing further happening the guards went back to standing still. Herobrine ran towards the passageway, sword drawn. The guards began firing arrows at him but they did not slow him down. Herobrine was DETERMINED to get the power of a God! Arrows embedded into his chest, legs, and arms, he paid them no mind. Getting to where the skeletons guards were and cutting them both down. He breathed heavily afterwards, stumbling towards the room the skeletons had been guarding. 

Inside of the room, on a pedestal laid a Totem of Undying that was made of obsidian instead of gold. He barely touched it before collapsing to the cobblestone floor. A bright white light filled the room but Herobrine could not see it, he had 'died' from his injuries, an arrow having pierced his heart when he fell to the floor. His limp body was lifted into the air and the white light encompassed him, before it shot inside him. Rebirthing him as an immortal God. 

Slowly he was lowered back to the floor and the Totem of Undying disappeared. Herobrine awoke, feeling different. He felt powerful! "Now I can fight you Notch, and end your plans!" Using his powers he teleported outside the mausoleum then to the castle. He waited for the drawbridge to be lowered by the guards, unaware of the fact that he now looked different. The guards shot arrows at him rather than let him inside and it angered Herobrine. He floated 25 feet into the air, shooting balls of energy at the drawbridge gate, destroying it. Several guards were killed by falling debris, crushed underneath the giant chunks of stone brick that went flying. He was pleased at the destruction he had caused, and the fear he had incited. While the castle burned around him Herobrine took the stair up into Notch's chambers, slowly opening the door and approaching Notch's desk. He stood before his older brother Notch who still sat at his desk. Notch stared up at Herobrine in utter horror. 

"B-BROTHER! WH-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!" Herobrine laughed. "What happened? What happened?! WHY I'VE BEEN ENLIGHTENED!! GIVEN A NEW FORM IN THE IMAGE OF AN IMMORTAL GOD!! HAHAHA!!" Notch felt guilty and tried to plead with this new Herobrine. "B-Brother, this isn't you! This isn't you at all! The brother I know would never want to hurt anyone who did not deserve it, he wanted justice, peace, and had no desire to rule!" Herobrine laughed heartily. "The brother you knew is dead. I have taken his place! I am the side of himself he kept hidden from you! When he realized that you betrayed him, used him, lied to him, all for your own selfish purposes, he was angry! I am the embodiment of that anger and rage he hid! NOW DIE!!

A loud squelch filled the room, a thud, then silence. Blood trickled across the cobblestone floor of the room, staining it red. Empty lifeless eyes staring ahead as Herobrine left the room, ready to wreak havoc on all of Minecraftia. For he was no benevolent God, but a wrathful, vengeful one. 

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