The Demon Inside (Not-Lemon)

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((This one is quite long, I do apologize but I hope you enjoy it. Note I was inspired to write this (the first part in Herobrine's POV anyway) after listening to Disturbed's song The Animal.)

Herobrine's POV

I find myself just about to drift off to sleep when I feel it. That urge to hunt, to kill, to maim. Energy surges through my body as the demon inside me begs to be let out. I teleport to the Overworld, letting the demon take control of my body. I am more powerful like this but I am unable to control what I do in this state. The demon needs to feed, and fed it will be. I jump into the air and start flying over the land, looking for a village or a lone traveler. In the distance I see soft glowing lights. 'A VILLAGE!' I think to myself.

I swoop down into the village center and land, leaving a crater. The air around me crackles and hums with electricity as a storm begins to form directly above the village. The people see me and scream in terror, running into their houses foolishly thinking their weak walls and doors will hold up against me. I let out a primal cry of hunger and charge towards the nearest house. A man tries to open the door and shut it on me but he is to slow. I grab his head and slowly squeeze his skull, crushing it. His screams of pain amuse me greatly. I feel a slight pain in my back turning around I see a person covered in enchanted diamond armor. Only their eyes are visible, those eyes burn with rage and hatred. With a sickening 'CRACK' I destroy the mans head, blood, bone, and brain matter splatter onto the house, me, and the mysterious warrior before me.

The warriors voice is slightly muffled due to the helmet. "You will not lay waste to this village monster!" I smirk and laugh, "YOU CANNOT STOP ME MORTAL!" The warrior pulls their sword out of me and takes up an offensive stance. Licking my lips I show off my sharp teeth to the warrior. "I will enjoy feasting on your corpse!" The warrior says nothing and just stand there, undeterred by my threat. After a few seconds of silence the warrior speaks.

"Are you just going to bark? Or are you going to actually bite?" Venom drips from the warriors voice, rage rises within me and I charge at said warrior but before I can grab them they disappear! Suddenly I feel a deep intense pain in my left side, turning my head I see a diamond sword embedded into me all the way to the hilt. Holding the sword is none other than the warrior. I can taste blood in my mouth and know I will soon die but respawn in the Nether. The warrior goes to pull their sword from me but with what little strength I have I grab their wrist tightly, squeezing it while glaring at them. 

"Show me your face warrior, so I die knowing who defeated me." My vision begins to blur as I feel my form shifting back to human as once the demon is to badly injured it retreats deep inside me once again. I release my grip on the warriors wrist as my legs wobble then buckle beneath me, pitifully I fall to my knees. I cry out in pain as the warrior removes their sword from my side. Blood gushes out of the wound, I put my hand over it to stop the bleeding but it is in vain. I look at the warrior and shout out with blood flying from my mouth. "WH-WHO OR JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!!" 

The warrior says nothing but removes their helmet.

Readers POV

You stare down at the now humbled (and hopefully defeated) Herobrine. He looks so pathetic and far more human this way. Secretly, you hope he recognizes you from all those years ago. His eyebrows go up and he gasps with a look of shock and slight anger on his face. "IM-IMPOSSIBLE!" He cries out. You glare at him with hatred. "Yes, the one you left to die in that village after burning everything else to the ground, killing all the others yet sparing me so you could claim me as some sick trophy of your conquest. You had your way with me, then stabbed me and left me to die!" Herobrine looks up at you, shock still on his face as he whispers out. "H-How did you even survive?!" You shake your head, tears starting to form in your eyes as painful memories begin to come back. Memories you've spent years trying to forget and deny, yet no matter what you did, they never went away completely. 

Various Herobrine x Reader One-Shot (Hardcore) LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now