Hero in the Darkness (non-lemon)

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((Warning! This story will contain feels! Other than that, enjoy the story Please let me know in the comment section if you would like to see a novella version of this!))

A young girl ran through the woods as fast as her legs would carry her, sobbing as the dogs were quickly gaining speed on her. Tripping over a tree root that she could not see she fell to the ground, scrambling to get up even though the dogs were practically right on top of her. The shouting of men came not to far behind. They were looking for her, out for blood after she had cursed the head of the family she was forced to be a servant under. He was a cruel, vile man. He deserved what he got. The voices got closer, and light from torches started to appear. The dogs snarled at her, drool dripping from their mouths while they held her under their gaze. She cried even harder. 'Th-This is it, this is the end for me!

Orange glow of torches drew nearer, one of the dogs barked madly to get the attention of the men. The closest one ran to the barking dog and shined his torch to see the frail shaking form of the little girl. Smirking he grabbed her roughly by her hair and yanked her up, making her cry out in pain. "So you're the little witch eh?" The man was soon joined by several others wearing iron armor with the family crest on the chest plate. An older looking man spoke. "Good. Let's get her back to the manor. We've done our duty." The one gripping the little girl chuckled darkly, "And not have fun with her, come on! The orders didn't say we couldn't bring her back a little worse for wear or an inch from death. Just that she was returned alive.~" The older gentleman sighed and walked through the woods back to the manor. 

However, the older guard never made it back to the manor. As soon as he was out of the torchlight of the other guards a figure jumped down behind him and snapped his neck with absolute precision. He ran to where the other guards were, silent. The guards laughed as they kicked and punched the young girl who by now was begging them to just kill her. One guard pulled out his knife but before he could even cut her a hand tightly gripped his wrist. The other two guards watched in horror as their own friend stabbed himself to death with his own knife. After a couple of plunges with the knife the man fell dead to the ground. Next to go were the torches, as a sudden gust of wind blew them out. The dogs whined and whimpered, sensing the presence. With tails tucked they ran back to the manor, yelping and whining the whole way. The guards could see nothing in the darkness and were as helpless as newborns to whatever force had just killed their friend. 

A deep voice spoke through the darkness, striking instant terror in the hearts of the two guards. "Where's your God now?~" Before the guards could respond they were ran through the heart with diamond blades. Dead before their bodies even hit the ground. The little girl whimpered and sobbed. "Wh-Whoever or whatever you are p-please don't hurt me! I-I don't want to die!" The voice approached, soft and gentle but still deep. "I know." Looking up the little girl found herself staring into a pair of glowing white eyes. She knew not who or what the eyes belonged to but she felt safe under their gaze. Huge arms wrapped around her and lifted her up off the ground. "You're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you." The little girl rested her head on the beings shoulder. "Th-Thank you kind sir." She could not see it in the darkness but the being was smiling. "The name's Herobrine." Smiling sleepily the little girl spoke through a stifled yawn. "Well you're my hero, Herobrine." She soon fell asleep as Herobrine carried her through the woods back to his cabin. 

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