"Kept Running." (Non-Lemon)

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((Received Permission from the Artist Annkh-Redox to use her work in this story! Please do check out her deviantart account using the following link: https://www.deviantart.com/annkh-redox ))

You ran through the woods, scrambling back to your feet every time you fell down. Moonlight shone through the gaps in the trees. The night was peaceful and calm but not for you. You had awakened an ancient evil, an evil that now thirsted for your blood so it could renew its energy. All your friends were dead, having fallen victim to the evil that lurked in the mine. You had watched as the demon ripped them apart with its bare hands and feasted on their raw flesh. 

You tripped yet again and struggled to get up, giving the demon ample time to catch up to you. Hearing the demon crashing through the trees incited something inside you, you could not die here. You would not allow yourself to die here. 'If I'm going to die, then I'm going to die fighting.

Standing up you drew your diamond sword, ready to face the evil head on. Your heart pounded within your chest as the demon drew closer. With baited breath you waited for it to come into view. At last it stepped out into the glimmering moonlight, it's body caked in your friends blood as runic symbols on its body glowed violet. You gripped your sword tightly, waiting for it to make a move. The demon locked eyes with you, those glowing white eyes which held no remorse. You refused to look away from its gaze. Body moving with skills learned over the years you charged at the demon, managing to cut it before it teleported away. The demon let out a throaty chuckle, it came from behind you. 

Turning around you blocked the demons sword

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Turning around you blocked the demons sword. A diamond blade like your own, stolen off of one of your dead friends. Snarling you pushed back against the demon. "How dare you defile my friends corpse! How dare you wield the blade of a warrior who died nobly!" The demon only smirked before teleporting away, you looked all around waiting for it to strike. Then you felt it, the sharp, overwhelming agony of having a sword driven through your abdomen. You screamed in pain, blood dripping from your mouth. The evil being chuckled, laughing at your pain as it yanked its sword out of you. Whispering into your ear. "I can save you, I know you don't want to die like this.~" Despite the pain you still had a bit of fight left in you, through gritted teeth you growled. "G-Go to Hell!" 

The demon snarled. "Do you want to go the way your friends did?! Ripped apart?! Dying a meaningless death for a King you've never met before? I know my brother, he sent you here to free me because he is bored and wanted to cause some chaos. You and your comrades mean absolutely nothing to him. This is all a game to him! Your lives mean nothing! You have tenacity girl, strength, resilience, and a warriors heart! You are the ONLY ONE who has EVER stood to fight me. I respect that. That's why I want to let you live. Join my army, you will be a great addition. My second in command. What do you say warrior?~" You feel your life starting to ebb away as each drop of blood spills from your body to the ground. Faintly you mutter out. "F-Fine. . ." The demon smirked and with a snap of his fingers healed you. Laughing evilly he whispered into your ear. "You should have kept running human. And not have accepted my offer. Don't you know that demon's aren't to be trusted?~

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