Chapter 1- Kidnapped

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Andy's POV
I was walking down the street at night, it was almost midnight. I was going home from a party that was my best friend Sam's. It was really fun to be honest, but I was tired, so I decided to go home. The wind picked up a bit and blew my blond quiff in front of my eyes. While I was walking closer to the main road, other than the wind, I heard footsteps walking really close behind me. I turned around once but no one was there. The footsteps got louder and louder, closer and closer by the second. I am an 18 year old boy, I am not going to get scared from a few footsteps I told myself. I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. But after a few minutes someone grabbed me from behind with their two strong arms, shushing my screams by putting their big, but soft hand in front of my mouth. I tried to kick them but it was no use, they were too strong.
"Don't make a sound, okay? Or else I am going to kill you." The man whispered in my ear. I was trying to scream, but I couldn't. I had no voice anymore. I tryed to kick them again. But no nothing, my legs had gone weak. I was weak. A few tears escaped my eyes. Now I was scared.

He pulled me into a black car that was parked on the road. I was fighting him at first, wanting to do anything but get in a car with a kidnapper, but he was stronger than me, much stronger. He closed the door of the car when he finally got me inside it, and I heard him sit in the drivers seat and start driving, fast. Silent waterfalls fell from my eyes, scared of what was going to happen to me. My body was frozen still, compared to how tangled my mind was. I looked at him, through the small rectangular mirror, just to see who he is and if I knew him. He was wearing black clothes that made him blend in with the black interior of the car, making him almost invisible. He looked about my age too, with his curly brown hair that came to the front and big brown eyes. To be honest he was actually really handsome, his hair was styled in a messy but kept way, and his lips looked so soft, everything on his face looked beautiful with his sun kissed skin. He looked like a model. Then his eyes glanced through the same, small mirror at me and we made eye contact. Oh no what now? A small smirk appeared on his pink lips as I gulped and quickly looked to my feet, instantly regretting my actions. I looked outside seeing the world go by in flashes of yellow and red. Then I saw it, the street I lived down, it came and went like a sprinkling of hope. Hope that I will survive and come to see it again. And the waterworks started once more. I bet my mum would be home cooking dinner by now, completely oblivious that her one and only son is getting kidnapped. She is all alone right now, as my stepdad is at his job as he works nights and she will be waiting for me to come home. I promise you mum, I will escape and come back to you, because I love you. I really do, I know I dont say it that much, but I do. Oh, I wish you could hear me. I will find you, find my house and then I am never going walking alone ever again. I promise. I. promise.

Suddenly, the car came to a stop and I was flung forwards in my seat, bringing my eyes and my hands up now to protect myself. He got out before slamming the door, then he came and opened mine for me. I went out of it immediately, not wanting to make him angrier. A neglected Victorian house stood before me, revolting and mouldy. He pushed me forward and I stumbled up the stone steps, I then pulled the handle down and creaked the door open. When I entered the house, my nose instantly was filled with this horrible smell that almost made me faint. It was so disgusting, it smelled like someone died in here... It was very dark and lonely, terrifying like something out of a horror movie. "Go in that room and sit on the bed." He demanded pointing to the small wooden, brown door to the right of me, that was opened a jar. I just slightly nodded and went inside.

I stood in the room examining it, in front of me was an old and dirty looking bed that was pushed into the far corner, at the end of that bed was a curtainless window and to my right was a broken standing mirror, that was attached to the door of a big broken cupboard, the door coming off its hinges. The wall paper was tearing and peeling off too. I felt like I just walked into a haunted house. I walked over and sat slowly down onto the bed, hoping it won't break as I looked around the room that was quite dark, but the moonlight coming through the window lite up the whole room so I could see. Which made it look quite beautiful and not as scary as I first anticipated. The door creaked a little and he came into the room. I looked at him. He was holding handcuffs in his hands. I shivered at the sight of them.

"Now lay down beautiful."

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