Chapter 7- Trapped

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Third person POV
Andy was tightly holding the pillow next to his chest, cuddling with it. Rye just smiled a little at the view. Then he pulled a light blue blanket over the blonde haired boy and made sure he wasn't shivering anymore. He lightly kissed the boy's forehead. Then the full cup of tea on the cupboard caught his eye. "He might think I put something in it," Rye thought as he shook his head smiling at how cautious the cute boy is. He took the cup and quietly went out of the room, closing the door carefully behind him. Sometimes the people who do bad things in a story can have good hearts inside them.

The next day
Andy's POV
I slowly opened my eyes. Clutching the same fluffy pillow as I did last night, but somethings different. Im not shivering anymore. I sat up, looking down at myself seeing a light blue blanket covering me. I immediately looked if I was clothed and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that I was in the same outfit as yesterday. But wait, did he? Oh I looked around and the cup of tea was no longer on the bed side table. Maybe he came in and saw me shivering, so he chose to be kind and heat me up with this warm, comfy blanket. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked up. The door was left open a jar. Oh yes, it is opened I have a chance to go out of this discussing place! I shot out of bed like an electric pulse shocked through my body, and crept to the door. I opened it slowly, carefully, trying not to make a sound. Although, to my dismay it creaked a little. However, I was so small I didnt have to open the door that far for me to get through. I went out into the hall, looking around. All the doors were the same, the same dark brown wood, but one of them was bigger. 'I think this is the front door. Oh, my lord please tell me I am right.' I thought as I headed to it. I went nearer and nearer to the door, my heart beating faster exciting my thoughts of getting out. Of seeing my mum. I was close, so freaking close. When suddenly Rye came out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist, holding it so very tight with his big hand.

"Let me go!" I bellowed irritably, angry at my false hope of freedom. He just laughed at me, like I was worthless and spun me around. My back pressed against the door. I was in a cage. I was in a trap. I was in a prison with a boy called Rye who kidnapped me and wants to rape me, and I cant get out, I cant leave. I was trapped! Trapped forever with him. He grabbed my other wrist and put both of my arms above my head and pressed them roughly to the door. He came closer to my face, and I again smelt his sweet rose smell that was amazing. However, I was dragged back to reality by the feeling of his hot breath on my lips.

No no no

My eyes were two dark pools of fear, filling with tears threatening to fall as he just smirked and rolled his eyes. He actually rolled his eyes at me; does he think this is all fun and games? Because in the real world it is not fun to kidnap someone. It is not fun to rape someone. It is not fun to just stand there and watch someone cry. I think he needs to wake up. He let my hands go as I stayed there, trembling underneath him, my feet becoming my favourite thing to look at. Go into the room, Ill come after five minutes and this time I am not going to even try to stop myself from what I want to do to you. He directed loudly. I nodded and immediately went into the room. I sat on the bed, tears welling from deep inside and coursed out down my pink cheeks, as I hugged the big pillow. That was a very bed idea. And although I couldnt stop myself, I ended up counting down, because I was terrified. Terrified of Rye and what he was going to do to me. Terrified for when the five minutes are over. For when it reaches zero and the clock stops, because thats it games over. In five minutes, he would have got what he wanted, me, my body. I havent even had my first kiss yet and now Fuck

I was crying so much that I didnt hear the door open and him walking in. The sound of his voice and my name escaping his lips echoing around the room made my heart skip a beat. He stood there in the room, empty eyes, that are normally full of lust, were scanning my body up and down. He looked like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse. I gave him a pleading look, constant streaming tears as he came closer. Closer and closer, expressionless like he was detached from his emotions. I got even more scared now. I crawled up the bed, as far away as possible and holding the pillow in front of me in defence, shielding me, but he came. Grabbing the pillow out of my hands and throwing my shield on the floor out of my reach. He came closer to my face as I looked down making two little puddles on the bed. I felt his warm hand under my chin, lifting it up, making me let out a little gasp. No, is he going to kiss me? P-please d-dont. I muttered as he just stared at me. I tried to push him away, but he caught my hand and came closer to my face. I closed my eyes in fear as I felt his hot breath on my skin. Ive never had my first kiss. I confessed quietly, hoping it would stop him. I heard him snigger at me. Is he laughing at me because I havent been kissed before? Or is he laughing at me because he knows he is going to take it away from me. Realising Im not just your average virgin, as most virgins have had their first kiss. But like I said people just want me for money and I turn them down. Or even before that I was the nerd. And no one wants to kiss the nerd. Look at me. He whispered and I obeyed immediately not wanting to find out what would happen if I didnt. I slowly opened my eyes and brown met blue. I hadnt noticed how warm and calm his eyes looked, like a dark honey colour and I almost got lost in them. Almost drowned in them. I also noticed they had yellow and green flakes in them when his protruding eyes caught the sunlight. It was like looking into a meadow with delicate, green, limitless grass standing tall in the midday sun. They were so beautiful; I want to get lost in them forever. He was staring deep into my eyes, looking right into my soul. I felt like a little dog with a large human towering over me, threatening me with his big honey eyes.

"Let me be your first kiss."

A/n the next chapter will have Rye's POV in it finally. Hope you enjoy this chapter though.

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