Chapter 4- The Smell of Roses

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Andy's POV
Please dont. I fretted inaudibly as he looked down at my half naked body longingly. Please stop looking at me like that, like you are going to eat me up. Swallow me whole. A little sigh escaped his lips, as he pulled away and let my face go, standing up from the bed. I sat up slowly watching his every move. Is he going to listen to me? He walked over to the big cupboard and pulled out some clothes. He threw them at me the fabric feeling so soft against my face then he staggered and turned the light on, illuminating the whole room slightly, competing against the moonlight elevating though the window.

"Put those clothes on and go to sleep." Rye said and went out of the room. Leaving me there speechless and naked. I took a deep breath and stood up from the bed. I put the clothes on. They were so big, I almost got lost in them to be honest. They smelled like him too, he smelled amazing, he smelled like... roses, like thousands of fresh cut roses.

The t-shirt I was wearing now, was like a dress on me, it was very oversized and black in colour, with a small white heart on the left hand side pocket. The jogging bottoms he gave me came down past my ankles and were boring and black with three white lines down the sides. I think they were adidas, but I couldnt tell because the only thing I could look at myself in, was a very dirty, very broken mirror. It was still a little dark in the room as well, even with the light on. But why am I stressing over this? This is a random abandoned house that he brought me to. I sat back on the bed again and searched for my phone. Oh, where is it? I swear I had it when I left the party. Maybe he took it away with him.

I sighed and just laid in the dirty bed, trying to relax a bit. But how can you relax when you are in a house with someone you dont know, who wants to freaking rape you? However, I really do need to sleep. My eye lids are closing by themselves and my body feels so heavy. I wonder what time it is right now. It does look pitch black outside I noticed, as I looked out the window with my droopy eyes like dying flowers caged without sunlight. I decided to sleep, my eyes getting droopier by the second, my body welcoming sleep with open arms.

I hope he won't come in here and try and rape me while I am sleeping...

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