Chapter 2- Neck Kissing

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⚠️sexual assault throughout⚠️

Andy's POV
"Now lay down beautiful." He said firmly as I shook my head quickly. "Lay down! NOW!" He shouted as a few tears escaped my eyes again. This always happened when someone shouts at me, but this time I had a reason to cry. I was absolutely terrified. He sighed and dropped the handcuffs on the floor with a clang and left them there. He came closer to me as I tried to pull away, but he grabbed my shoulders and held me still. We locked eyes as I felt sparkles between our bodies.

No Andrew stop it.

He kidnapped you, and wants to freaking rape you. He came closer to me as I just stayed there, watching his beautiful face. Then I let a small breath escape my lips I didnt know I was holding. He smiled a little as he stopped leaning. Our lips almost touching. "You are so beautiful," he said quietly his breath hitting my face, I smiled a little. Maybe it was because I was still a little drunk from the alcohol of the party. Maybe, it was because I just wanted this all to end as soon as possible. Or maybe it was because it was late and I wanted to go to sleep, but suddenly, he wasnt scary anymore. "You are too," I whispered as I saw his smile creeping on his perfect lips. His brown eyes sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight. "Tell me your name," he whispered I thought about it for a minute then shook my head lightly.
"Tell me yours and I will tell you mine," I said quietly as he bit his lower lip trying not to smile, he looked so cute. Wait what. No, he didnt.
"Ryan," He greeted just above a whisper, as I giggled quietly staring up at him. I am happy he chose to say his name first, I do like his name it suits him. "Andy," I said softly. I dont know why I am telling him my name; he is my kidnapper. My head is not in the right place. He started leaning in again. I didnt want him to kiss me, I just was scared... so I turned my head on the other side, as his lips attacked my neck.


He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I stopped myself from making any noises, refusing to show him that I like it, because I dont. I really dont know how I feel about this, but I cant seem to make him stop, my hands wont function. Its like my body is against me. After a while he found a place where I just couldnt hold it in me anymore, I genuinely did try but I couldnt, so I let the moan out. He smiled next to my skin and continued sucking and licking the same spot over and over again. Great he seems to be enjoying this. Oh fuck. I whispered as he bit my skin gently. He was leaving marks, but for some reason I didnt care. It felt so freaking good anyway, but it wasnt right. I know it wasnt. I just met him, he kidnapped me and wanted to rape me. But then again, I dont know something about him was driving me crazy.

It started hurting a little bit, as he got on top of me, pushing me on the bed so I laid down. He continued sucking and kissing the same amazing spot. I tried to pull away a little, but I couldn't.
"W-Wait." I whispered, but he didnt stop. It was hurting so bad now. His lips where pinching my skin, as he made the bruise on my neck bigger. The pain ran all through my body. And what's worse he kept going even now. I dont think he is going to stop.

"I-It h-hurts."

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