Chapter 24 - Sleeping Whispers

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Rye's POV
I smiled a little at the thought that he is in the house, still there with me, even in this awful reality we are living in, even when he knows about my faults and mistakes, he would be here even through the bad times. I immediately went out of the room just to bump into a sleepy Andy who was about to open the door.
"Andy!" I said surprised and of course happy that he was still here. He looked at me, his facial expression was angry and tired at the same time, he looked adorable. "I want to sleep, so shut up and let me go and lay down in that uncomfortable bed and sleep." He groaned annoyed and stormed into the room collapsing onto the bed, I giggled as he went. He smiled watching me walk to the bed and copied his laying position next to him. I couldn't help but run my fingers gently and slowly run through his blond hair. He closed his eyes humming quietly at the soft contact, it made me want to kiss him so bad. He opened my eyes again and I smiled at him. "Sorry that I told you to shut up." He mumbled and I shook my head. "Its ok, I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go into my room and sleep there? The bed is more comfortable and its warmer." I invited shyly not looking into his eyes scared of hat he might say as I played with my fingers. But suddenly he pulled me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around my body, slowly pulling me into something warm, to something safe, to him. "I would love to." He cried as I smiled happily. He stood up making me stand up too, we were still holding each other in a bundle of comfort and warmth. "Let's go then." I spoke softly as I got out of my hug, he nodded before he quickly walked ahead.

As soon as he got into the bed he sighed, it must be nurturing all his sores from the other old f matters I feel so bad for making him sleep in it. I strolled over to the bookshelf beside the bed his eyes following my every move. I picked up the picture frame with me and the girl on it. He watched me examine the photo, as my eyes ran over every detail of the frame, to the detail of the faces, mainly hers. My smile was still on my face except it wasn't genuine, it was painted on. My focus now landed on him, the paint pealing off as my smile stretched into a real one. You want to know who she is? I asked as I sank into the bed beside him. You dont have to, its okay. He told me, while he held his hand over mine. I looked at our hands and sighed. I looked back at him with a small smile, I feel like I have known this boy my entire life even if it been that long at all. Is that an excuse to trust him though? I want you to know. I said making his smile become contagious to me. He nodded understandingly. What should I tell him? Should I tell him all of it? Or leave parts out? I don't know where to start? Take your time, there is no rush. He encouraged putting more pressure on my right hand that was now glued to his left one. Having never moved it, it comforted me so I never moved away. I nodded taking a deep breath in thought the mouth and out through the nose. Reading Myself. Well she was everything to me, she was my friend, then she became my best friend and before we knew what was happening she became my lover. She was beautiful, strong, amazing, and far away from my heart... the thing we did was the most stupid thing two people in love can ever do. We lost ourselves trying to make the other person happy. However, we couldn't because we weren't meant to be, and everything ended. All of the kisses, the warm hugs, the quiet cuddles... everything is gone, I can't say that I didn't love her, I did love her, I loved her very much but just not enough. I loved her in a way that she didn't. She loved me in a way that two people feel a connection between them, the tension when they are naked, kissing each other and just waiting for the moment to start. I didnt possess that love for her, and she did. That split us apart. I was the problem not her; she would never be a problem. And when she understood that I can't love her the way she wanted me to, she just left. She left me like my parents did, she left like everyone does. One piece of my heart then fell away and never came back. It will never come back because it faded away years ago, so many years ago. I spoke quietly, staring at the floor. A single tear landed on my cheek bringing me back to reality as I moved to brush it away slowly contrasted to the memory of her that would never go away. More tears plopped down, but Andy held me and soothed me but it wasn't enough to stop my tears. No that didnt stop the memories from corrupting me as I broke down in more tears. We were both helpless.

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