Chapter 18 - I Won't Leave You

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Andy's POV
"I'm sorry Rye, I have to go." I quickly informed as his smile was struck off his face, replaced with a sad, broken expression and my heart just broke into millions of tiny pieces. Knowing I was the cause of his changing emotions. He pulled away even more and sat away from me on the bed, discarding me away. He looked down and hid his face with his hands. "R-Rye..." I stuttered as he shook his head, wiping the tear that just dripped from his beautiful honey eyes. "Its ok you can go." He finally spoke and abruptly stood up from the bed heading to the door. However, I immediately stood up too and ran towards him and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist as he sniffled a few times. He stayed for a couple minutes before proceeding with his plan to discard me, he pushed me away and went out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him...

Oh Rye.

I got my bag from the floor and went out of the room quietly. I know I would regret this, but I needed to go out and go home and nurture my worried mother. Therefore, I just left his house quickly, closing the front door behind me slowly. I sighed. Should I come back? Yes, yes I should. I promised. I got my phone from my pocket and called mum. Telling her I was ok at a friends house and I telling her I will be home for 7pm. She was okay with it, she wanting me home because, I was missing for two days just a week ago, so like I predicted she was worried.

If only she knew.

I carefully opened the front door, coming back again in the small broken house this time with no regret. I went into "my" room and put my bag on the floor again and leaving it there abandoned, going out to search for the other abandoned thing in this place. I knew he was in his room, I just felt it, where else would a sad and lonely lion hide. I knocked on the door as I heard him groan. I opened slowly without permission, because I am stubborn and I wont go away that easily, Im the fly that keeps coming back. When I entered the room, I saw him lying in the bed, back pressed into the mattress hoping it would succumb him and swallow him hole. Him watching the broken ceiling, lost deep in his thoughts. Wiping the new salty tears that just fell, cowering as he hid his eyes with his right arm, breathing fast. I closed the door behind me and just stood there next to the white wall, wanting to spill the great news of my stay but biting my tongue after seeing his state. A few minutes of silence passed before I spoke up. I couldnt bare it anymore.

"Rye please stop crying, look I'm here. I won't leave you; I am not like your parents-" Then I realised what I just said, instantly covering my sinful mouth with my hand. He moved his arm from his eyes and sat up in his bed. Looking at me like I was a stranger, like I was nobody to him, like I was nothing. I felt my eyes filling with tears as I looked down, already putting my hand to open the door, excepting my exit. "Wait..." he uttered, his voice quiet and broken, cracking at the end of the word, slowly fading away from reality. Making me turn to him just so I can see his beautiful face, now turning into a complete mess of emotions. I went slowly to his bed, sitting right in front of him as he was looking down at his hands, as he played with the beautiful silver ring on his middle finger nervously. "It's from my parents." He spoke quietly, knowing exactly what I was thinking, the smile on my face appeared again. I gently put my hand over his as he instantly looked at me. Our eyes met again, and it was unexplainable. I felt the sparks, the tension, everything. It was like magic. Then I felt myself leaning in for a kiss as he was leaning too, slowly, and teasingly. But we stopped ourselves when our lips were inches apart. "Can you stay for the night? Please stay, I have something special for you." He whispered as I bit my lower lip, staring at his beautiful honey eyes. "I'll ask my mum." I replied quietly as he smirked and connected our lips together. It was fast, but I still felt the softness of his perfectly shaped red lips tangling with my own. When we pulled away we pressed our foreheads together. "Thank you for not leaving." Rye whispered, sounding exhausted of the nightmare he was living in. Sounding tired of life, sounding like he was going to give up if I left, but I didnt, and he is smiling just because of me.



I didn't say anything. I just smiled and wrapped my arms carefully around him, pulling him closer to my body, hugging him tighter as he hugged me too. "Can we do that like the previous time?" He requested shyly as I giggled his shyness. He reminded me of a baby that was asking permission to eat the last chocolate in the box, that was for his birthday. "Yeah, if course." I obliged stroking his soft, curly hair gently and making him relax a little. "Can we go into the other room?" He questioned me again so shyly as I nodded my head. We both stood up from the bed in an instant, letting go of each other. I suddenly felt cold without his arms around me, I felt lost without his warm embrace guiding me back to this world. The world with him in it. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I didnt realise how much I need him, his touch, his warmth.

But I do. I really do...

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