Chapter 16 - Am I Falling In Love With Him?

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Andy's POV
For once I wished time went faster... "So what do you want Andy fish or chicken?" My mum pondered, taking me away from my thoughts. Thoughts about Rye. "Um chicken." I answered simply as she smiled and shook her head. "This person, they must be special." She decoded as I looked at her confused but also shocked. Who mum? I questioned as I tried to cover it up, but mothers always know. "The person who you are thinking about." She explained coming closer to where I was sitting, I couldnt help but smile as I looked down and played with my fingers. "Yeah he is." I nodded as she sat on the bed next to me looking straight into my eyes. "Oh do you have a crush?" She teased, she knows my sexuality, everyone knowing it by know and they are all supporting me, which I am so grateful for. I love the people around me. They are the best people I could ask for; I would never replace my family and friends. I just slightly nodded my head but then immediately stopped myself and shrugged. She smiled and giggled quietly. "Does he like you back?" She queried as I felt my cheeks redden as the memory of my first kiss came into my mind. "I don't know, I hope so." I prayed as she smiled and came to hug me. Wrapping arms around one another. All of these happy feelings are shooting through me. You cant help but love a mother hug, its a warm, genuine feeling that words cant describe. "I love you son and if you think he is the right one for you than just go for it." This is why I love my mum; she is so caring, supportive and loving. I just smiled at her and nodded my head trustingly. "Okay I will." I whispered as she pulled away and stood up. "So about the dinner... chicken right?" She inquired again as we both laughed and I nodded my head, before she walked out closing the door behind her. I immediately grabbed my phone, turning it on. I decided to text Rye again, I don't know why I just felt like I needed to.

Hey again I started, once again having that daunting feeling that he wont answer, but being wrong yet again. Hey he answered again straight away, as if he was just waiting on by his phone for me to text. I was just thinking if you want to text for a while, if you are not busy I feel like talking for a while as I wanted to be like other teenagers who spend all night texting with their crush. Yeah okay and I am not busy, I just got home he replied, wait did I interrupt him last time? Cool so what's up? How's life been this whole week? I was intrigued on how he has been since I left. I hope he hasnt cried again, that would break my heart that I wasnt there to comfort him. Good, but it could be better. He responded simply which left me with a ton of questions. How could it be better? I answered this question being more prominent than the rest. If right now I was holding you in my arms and laying on the bed, cuddling with you. Oh my, he really took me by surprise there. Oh, I wish I was cuddling him too, but I cant text that, I dont want to come off creepy. I don't know what to say I text my intensions sounding clear. You don't have to say anything... I shouldn't have written it, I'm sorry... Oh I didnt want to make him embarrassed, I feel horrible now. No Rye, it's okay it's just that I want the same thing, even more ❤ I replied throwing all my feelings into the mix of emotions happening in these text messages. Can we meet tomorrow instead if you are free? yes yes. Wow he keeps surprising me and these text messages keep getting more amazing the more we continue. Yeah after school I can I answer not letting my excitement spell itself out in the text. Okay cool so what time? he asks and my head goes into numbers mode stringing every possibility there could be. 1pm? No Im still at school. 2pm no I would be just walking out of school, so 3pm, yes that is my best option. 3pm I answer. I dont get how people can just not even think about something before they write it. I have to come up with a whole maths equation whenever I get asked a question. Where shall we meet? He asked, I guess he wanted to know if it would be just us or if the public would be around. He is not really fond of people. Well if you want I can come to your house? I offered knowing that would be better for him. Yeah, that would be perfect Oh I knew it would be. Okay so um... I wanted to text something else put didnt have the courage too. What?? Rye questioned; he must be pretty confused I cant blame him. Ok here goes nothing. I can't wait to see you Rye ❤ I send and immediately hide my phone under the covers, always been scared to show affection. The next notification sounded, and I slowly uncovered my phone, bracing myself before turning it on. I can't wait to see you too Andy❤ I relaxed at that and smiled brightly. It made me have some courage to tell him how I partially felt. Isn't this strange, like you kidnapped me and now I am craving to see you and touch you again... I am not normal I texted fast not even re-reading it before I sent it. This was so unlike me, but he made me feel like I could text him anything and he wouldnt judge me about it. Yeah you are not normal 🤣 He is just tease me about it but I could live with that. Well I guess I like not being normal 😊 I texted, while not rereading again, there was no need at this point. Aww sweet but I have to go now so if you want text me later? he called me sweet yay, and I defiantly want to text later wouldnt miss it for the world. Oh, I will, bye ❤ I signed off. Bye

Rye's POV
I am not okay... I feel like my whole world Is just going to disappear, all my rules about love, the feelings, everything, I feel like I am gonna be alone again, like he is gonna leave me.
He shows me care and understanding... but I am still scared, I am always gonna be scared...
Whenever he texted me yesterday and now again today my heart just skips a beat as I answer almost immediately, I really need to see him, I really do. I get to see his beautiful ocean blue eyes again, his soft blonde hair that's always swept over the front of his head so perfectly...
I stood up from the wooden chair in my small kitchen and went out of my messy room. I went to my bedroom closing the door after me. I opened the cupboard with clothes and started searching for what I am going to wear when we meet. Because I want to text him to meet up as I want to see him again. I really want to make him proud of me and proud of the fact that I am trying to change. I don't have a lot of clothes so the choice was easy. I picked put a comfortable red t-shirt with black lines and black ripped skinny jeans. Easy. I was really tired so I decided to go to bed but when I got under the covers I felt empty, completely alone, me, myself and I. I don't know why.
I just realised I have nobody to talk to except Andy, I have no friends to tell about him, I have no family to go with on holiday, I have no one... why did everything happen like this?
Everything happened because I am just a confused boy who likes boys. Nice, what a life...
Instantly my phone buzzed. I grabbed it and turned it on. It was Andy omg.
Well I guess I am going to see him tomorrow.
With that thought I fell asleep.
The next day
I woke up and to my surprise I was smiling. Strange. I stood up from the bed and went to wash my face and brushed my teeth. When I was ready I went to dress myself up because I have to go to work.

Ugh but after work I can see Andy so...

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