Chapter 10 - 30 Minutes Till Food

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Andy's POV

I headed to the door very confidently actually, however, something stopped me. I don't know what, I don't even know what happened, but I just couldn't do it. Looking around and taking this place in, it is awful. I decided that I cant let the first person I kissed live in this terrifying, disgusting place. I think I know why Rye kidnapped me, its because my stepdad is rich and therefore I am too. Everyone uses me for this, but I feel like if someone has done something wrong, they always deserve a second chance and If I can help him then I should. I sighed, turning around, and going back into my room. I laid with on the bed with my knees pointed towards the sky and my feet on the mattress, looking at the ceiling in a daydream. I was thinking as I looked at Ryes photo in my hands, if I were at home, and Rye had never kidnapped me, what would be happening now?... After about 10 minutes of being deep in thought, I heard the creaking of the front door. I heard his fast footsteps as he goes into another room. Andy!! He boomed furiously, making my whole body quiver with fear. Why is he shouting my name? Oh no is this about the photo? He came immediately to my room, looking surprised by my presence. He just stopped right in the doorway looking at me in a rage of anger. Suddenly as if by magic, the furious facial expression of the man, turned into a sweet and tender warm smile, that could light up any room. The next thing I knew he sat on the bed in front of my legs looking at me. He leaned down pushing my bent pegs open and gave me a peck on my lips, it felt so strange, so unexpected. He looked at my hands, seeing the photo of his family tightly in my hands. I thought he was going to get angry at me again, therefore I just gave the photo back and looked away, playing with my fingers. However, he chuckled and handed it back. What is he doing this isnt pass the parcel?

He leaned down again but this time slowly, more careful. So, you want to know more about me huh. He whispered right next to my ear, making a shiver like an icy hand run down my spine and my heartbeat go wild, I shook of that feeling and nodded anyway, wanting to help him. Okay. Im coming back after 30 minutes. He beamed and I looked at him confused. Was he still the same angry man that stormed in here only moments ago. His mood swings are so unpredictable, he really changed from being an angry pirate, to being a pretty smiling princess. Is it really that easy to get him to open up? Or is he taking 30 minutes to get himself together. Why so long? I questioned quietly, as what seems to be the same cute, signature smirk appeared on his face again. Youll see. He spoke mischievously as he winked at me. I just shook my head at him with a little smile brightening up my face. Suddenly I have no idea what happened to me, but when he stood up I stood up too. Confusion was written all over his face as I grabbed his hand, but he pulled away immediately. My hand dropped to my side, like the last leaf tumbling down making the tree so bare and empty. I looked down to my feet regrettably, but he lifted my head up by my chin so I could see those twinkling honey eyes of his. He leaned and connected our lips again in another quick kiss, but for some reason it left me wanting more. Therefore, I opted to show him. Coming closer to his face, as I chewed on my bottom life out of nerves. I want to bite that lip so bad. Rye claimed looking at my lips in hunger as my cheeks heated up looking at his gorgeous eyes. I feel like I want him to, kiss and bite my lips. T-ten do it. I whispered and watched as he licked his lips leaning in. However, before he even touching my lips with his, he pulled away quickly and went out of the room, leaving me speechless for a third time.

I sat in bed, my back against the tearing wallpapered wall, awaiting Ryes return. Pondering over what is happening to me. Why do I feel like this? Its so hard to explain, I dont know this feeling. Why do I want to stay? I had a chance to run away, but I didnt. Why The door suddenly opened as Rye entered, but with his back to me and had something in his hands. Is it another cup of tea? When he closed the door and turned to me, a plate full of food and, as I suspected, a cup of tea were in his bony tanned hands. My stomach started groaning again with the smell of food filling my nose. He put them on the bed side table and sat back on the bed. Thats for you. He stated as I looked at the food. A sunny side up egg on toast took over the plate. I perched the plate on my lap. It looked really delicious and the cup of tea as well, but what if? Why do you keep staring at the food like its going to jump off the plate and eat you instead. I havent poisoned it, or anything just eat Andy. He said quietly, I smiled at him shyly and nodded. It was like he read my mind, but I was still sceptical of the untouched food. Okay, fine. Rye says and he took the plate and the knife and fork and tasted a corner of the bread and then a little bit of the egg on top. He then but the plate back on my lap and picked up the tea taking a few sips, before putting it back. Now eat. He urged softly. He looked like he had a strong desire to eat the food he gave me instead. However, he stopped himself like he hadnt had food in ages, but he felt like I should have it instead.

He needs this food as much as me, if not more...

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