Chapter 9 - Curiosity Meets House

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Rye's POV
I went into my room, yeah the house is almost broken... but I don't have any money and he is rich. I just need the money, so I decided to kidnap him and make him give me money. But when I saw his beautiful body, his gorgeous face and dirty blonde hair falling perfectly. Those pretty blue eyes like the ocean, those perfect shaped red lips and his voice... everything changed. I am not falling in love I can't, I've never fallen in love ever... and I don't know what it's like to feel, what it feels to love... I hate my life... I hate myself... I should let him go. He doesn't deserve to be here, yeah he is rich and I want his money, I need it so bad but... I can't just make him give them to me. Yeah I work, I work so hard in four places even now I am dressing to go to the first job of the day. But with this money I can only buy food, clothes and a phone... nothing else... The car I kidnapped him in, I borrowed.

I have no friends, no family members, nothing... I went out of my room when I was fully dressed for work and went to the room I locked him in. I slowly unlocked the door, opening it slowly too. When I entered the room I looked at him. He was calmly sleeping in the bed, tired of all the things that have happened. I can't blame him though. I decided to let him sleep so I slowly went out of the room, leaving it open slightly. I want to see if he would use the opportunity to go and run away from me. If he uses it... oh well maybe I will find him again but if he doesnt well then...

After 6 hours (one hour until Rye gets home)

Andy's POV
I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed wasnt the sunlight hitting my face through the curtain less fingerprinted window, nor was it the tweeting melodies of the birds outside. No, it was the annoying banging of a severe headache, like someone was constantly bashing my head with a hammer. I first decided to stay in bed a little longer and rest my aching head, but then I noticed that the door was open a jar. Is this a test? Is he testing me to see if I would go out again? Is he going to punish me for real this time? I dont know, but I decided to take my chances. I stood up, leaving the blanket and pillows there and sneakily exiting the room. I tried to not make any noise as I looked to see if Leo was around, but to my luck he was no wear to be seen. I grasped the door handle of the big brown front door, my heart thumping in my ears. Turning it, it took all my strength to open the door just a crack. Sunlight shone brightly through the little gab like a beacon of hope. I opened the door another little fraction, but then I stopped. Curiosity got the better of me, so I shut the door gently and decided to look at what the other four rooms had to offer. Stupid idea I know, but I couldnt help uncovering their secrets.

I walked down the hall, the floor was cold, and gritty dust and crumbs clinged to my bare feet. The only light came from a single dusty bulb with no canopy around it. I opened the first door that I came to, very slowly with mixed feeling about what I might find in this horrid house. I gasped when I opened the door fully, a whiff of musk hitting my nostrils immediately. I looked around the room taking every detail in. The single bed in the middle of the room stood tall on its old bed frame, like it was proud to be still in one piece. The bed did look really comfortable and soft though, covered with a big, crumpled, seafoam green duvet. To the right of the bed was an oak bookshelf, filled with a few carnival coloured books, there was another bookshelf diagonally opposite stood tall next to the white wall, the bookshelves identical in colour but not content. There were clothes scattered across the sandy coloured carpet that lead a trail, curved like a snake, from the top of the bed and all the way down to the little wardrobe to the right of me. Is this Ryes bedroom? Is this his house? I looked up and a photo dusted lightly with cobwebs and blue tacked to the white wall caught my eye answering my question immediately.

The photo brought tears to my eyes, as it was Leo and his family, it was so cute. A woman and a man both with shiny brown hair, the womens long and the mans very short. The women wearing a yellow flowery summer dress, while the man took the simple look of brown shorts and blue shirt. They stood with a very young Rye with his brown hair shorter, him wearing white jeans and a summery green Hawaiian t-shirt with a green and pink leaved pattern on it. And lastly there was an even younger boy who, looked like a mini version of Rye stood next to him in front of his dad with blue jeans and a stripy grey and black t-shirt. I guess he has a brother. They all seemed so happy in this hot summer vacation photo too, all smiling widely at the camera. I decided to take that photo with me, carefully pealing it off the wall and putting it into my jogger pocket. I can confront him about this later, maybe get him to open up to me. I really want to know what happened to his family and why he is living on his own in this rotten house. There was another photo on the bookshelf too, but I have already seen too many things that I shouldnt have. Oh well, he left his room unlocked, so its his fault.

I left that room and crossed the hall to another wooden door; I opened slowly and was greeted with another bedroom. It has a double bed with a clean lilac duvet over the top that looked fairly untouched like two hotel staff came and cleaned it up. There was two other doors in the room too, one that was a wooden walk in wardrobe that was completely empty, only the white metal bar to hang your clothes remained. The other lead to an on suite bathroom, full of discarded carcasss left over from spiders, especially in the little shower room that had smears all down the closed glass doors. Rot and mole was painted on the floors and had crawled up the walls, like monsters, reaching out to the damp to stay alive. The sink was murky and dirty and home to a lot of bugs coming out of the hole. Another family of bugs were swimming in the murky toilet too. The smell of rot made me retch so I got out of the bathroom quickly, it was so gross in there. I stood in the bedroom looking around some more, I noticed that the left side of the room looks tidy, while the other the side looks messy, in the little passageway between the bed and the wall there seemed to be glass on the floor hidden away. Smashed out of rage maybe? Its like two different people slept in this room. Wait a minute this could be Ryes mum and dads room. And if that other room was Ryes and this room is his parents, than whos room did I sleep in?

I exited that room and went to the third one in line, I was brought to a kitchen. It had wooden panels for the cupboards that were around the oven, fridge and up the sides of the kitchen top that was a white marble, the sink dipped into the marble cleanly. This kitchen is so beautiful, it must be the cleanest room in the house, well apart from the bug infected walls. This house seriously has a bug problem. I went to the fridge in search of food. My tummy instantly making gurgle noises, voicing its opinion on the matter. Alas there was no scrap of food in sight. Maybe thats why Rye went out? I tediously shut the fridge and rubbed my tummy, taming the hungry beast. I didnt spend too much time in the kitchen, as I didnt need to. I left and walked to the room at the end of the hall. Once I opened the door, I couldnt believe my eyes. There was a massive library filled high with books, journals, and maps. In every shape, size, and colour. All different, dusted with cobwebs. There were paintings too, so beautiful. The biggest one was a painting of a meadow that looked like it had come from the pages of a story book. I pictured myself in the shot, walking through the grape green grass that was thigh high and dotted with yellow daisies, which were also waving in the murmuring wind. When I looked out, a beautiful mirage of mountains flattered the distance, and the sky above was a big dome of unbleached baby blue, stretched out as far as the eye could see. And the tinkling song of the river as the crystal blue water calmly flowed through the middle of the meadow. The sunlight reflecting through the big church shaped windows of the library, shining a spotlight onto the river, making it shimmer and sparkle like a thousand sapphires. This house is really so full of surprises. I pulled myself out of the room and stopped. Down the hall was the one door I hadnt stepped through yet, the one that kept calling my name.

I was faced with the front door once again...

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