Chapter 3- Nearly Raped

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⚠️sexual assault throughout⚠️

Andy's POV
"I-It h-hurts." I stuttered quietly hoping he would hear me and stop what he was doing. Luckily, he slowed the tempo down and started kissing and licking other places of my neck softly and gently, which felt really nice. A few quiet moans slipped out of my mouth as he continued to suck on my neck. He then stopped. Is he going to leave me alone now? Clothes off now. He demanded quietly as he stood up from the bed. Oh, of course he would say that right when I thought it was all over. He had to remind me that he was still the same heartless kidnapper that wants to rape me. He started taking off his black grubby shoes, before his black hoodie I had to hold in a gasp as he reviled his well-defined six pack. He then took of his black jeans as I gulped and watched him, at least he kept his black boxers on. He looked me dead in the eyes and I gasped. His eyes were dark now, a dark caramel colour and all I could see in them was lust. Nothing else.

The cute little smirk appeared on his face again as he came to me. Crawling to me as he got on top of me again. He tried to kiss my lips as I turned my head to the side again. This time he grabbed my small face with his big hand, making me look at him.
"Now, I am going to fuck you so hard." He said seductively right next to my face as shivers went through my entire body. No, no, I dont want this. I dont want to be here. I want to go home.
"Rye please don't do this," I pleaded as a few tears started escaping. He just watched me, with the same lust filled look he had before. "Please don't do this," I repeated, I tried desperately to choke back the tears and not look so feeble and weak. I did try to not fall apart in front of him, but it was so hard. They just fell and rolled down my cheeks, making his hand wet. And again, I am the caged prey, that cant do anything but beg not to be eaten as my predator has his hands around my thought.
"What? Now you are gonna cry?" He screamed in my face; I closed my eyes from the fear that shook from within, as I wrapped my arms around myself. Feeling so small and helpless. Trying to shield myself from this monster, from the predator. I froze as he licked the right side of my face, from my jaw to my hairline. Disgusting. My hair on the back of my neck stood on end at the pure terror I felt for this man. "Rye..." I whispered opening my eyes slowly, as another fresh new tears escaped my eyes, pleading for him to leave me alone.
"Shut the fuck up you slut!" He spat in my face and I shut my eyes again as I started sobbing softly. Why? Why me? Why is he doing this? "Please," I chocked still thinking he has a slither of good in him, like when he dropped the handcuffs. Like when he just left them there, cast aside, forgotten. Where is that man gone? But no, he put his big hand over my mouth, shutting me up and making me cry more. I tried to say something, but no, nothing. He started licking my neck again, but this time it was more rough. I was wearing a navy blue shirt so unfortunately it was easy for him to remove it. When my chest was bare, he started leaving light kisses on it and I would have generally thought a butterfly had flew onto my chest, if I didnt know it was him. He licked it a few times too. I tried to not make a noise, but it was really very hard. Why does my body keep failing me? He took my vans off along with my white socks, before unbuttoning my black skinny jeans and took them off, as I was left in my red boxers. He chucked the rest of my clothes somewhere in the room. He took his hand off of my mouth, as the water works kept streaming, dreading what was going to happen next. He moved closer and closer to my face as I shivered and looked away. Now be quiet, ok? he whispered in my ear, as I just nodded my head, unable to do anything else. I felt his hand moving closer and closer as he started to take of my boxers.

No I cry, and his fingers stopped moving. I felt his eyes staring at me, observing me. Oh no, what is he going to do now? What did you just say? He asked me, raising his voice and the anger in it raising too. Oh no I made him more angry. Im sorry. Im sorry. I-I I stuttered out as he grabbed my face again, turning it to him. No, no more. Please no more. Please leave me.                                          " Say it." He demanded, getting even more angry. I shuddered in fear. No I cried in a brittle voice as he raised his eyebrows at me. Tears filling my eyes again and threatening to fall, and believe me my tears could fill a riverbank right now.

"Please don't."

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