Chapter 14 - Without Rye

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Andy's POV
Bye. He whimpered as he opened the door for me, and I went out of the house with the broken boy. The house looking less scary in the daylight. I waved at him as he awkwardly waved back and slowly shut the heavy door. Our introduction didn't have a hello but at least our ending had a goodbye. No, what am I saying this isn't goodbye, shut up Andrew. I started looking for the address, the house itself doesn't have a number which was quite odd. However, there was a road sign saying the name of this particular road right next to the house, which was helpful. I should remember that. Then I realised the house was at the end of the street, the end of the line, on its last legs. Anything beyond it was just woodland. Also, the house is on one of the streets that comes off of the back road heading out of the city. Which I probably should have guessed from the car ride here, but I didn't realise I was this far away from the centre. I decided to calling a taxi to take me home would be the smartest option. Therefore, I called up explaining my location and he told me he will be there in ten minutes, having just dropped someone off that was around my area, so I said thank you and hug up. While I waited I looked around taking in all the aspects of this busy road for when I next visit. I walked to the end of the street to make it easier for the taxi driver to find me. Passing ruins of hollow houses, Ryes old house now being the only one on this street still standing.

A couple of minutes later the taxi came, the window rolled down revealing a man with a dark complexion sat on the opposite side in the drivers seat. He looked about in his late 40s with straight jet black hair. He greeted me with a bored expression, making me already second guess my next actions of going into this car, but I new it was my only way home, so I smiled politely at him and got in. He did a U-turn and drove off. It was a really long awkwardly silent car ride, to be honest it was probably only fifteen minutes but the fact that the taxi driver didnt speak, nor had the radio on made it really long and uncomfortable. I dont know what is wrong with this man, whether he was having a bad day, or he is just a negative person in general I have no idea, but he differently portrayed negative energy. However, a part of me was grateful for this actually as it gave me time to think about the last couple of days with Rye. What did he do to me? I have never felt butterflies or even feeling like ever, it was so good to feel that. But why him. Why am I falling- No Andy. You are not falling in love with him. You just met him, just forget about him for now. We came to a stop outside my house and I felt like it has been a month since I last saw it. Our beautiful small, white cottage, with hanging baskets full of pretty colourful flowers. I paid the taxi driver with the money Rye gave me, he shouldnt but, I didnt want to argue with him. I smiled once again at his frowning face and got out, closing the door behind me, the taxi driver speeding away as soon as I did so. I walked up to our little gate squeaking it open, before walking on the stone path to our green front door and rang our cheerful doorbell. Shuffling of feet and the turning of the key in a lock was heard before it opened, slowly. My mother gasped as she saw me, immediately pulling me into her arms, I hugged her back delightedly. "Oh my boy, Andrew where have you been? Please never ever scare me like that again!" She lectured hugging me tighter as I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the beautiful boy who I left in a broken, discussing house, and focused on the feeling of my mum slowly compressing my spinal cord.

"Okay, okay I am sorry mum." I enjoined quietly as she smothered my cheek with kisses. "I am glad that you are fine Wait, where are these clothes from?" She implied looking confused at my outfit comprised of grey sweatpants and a black hood. Ryes clothes. Think Andy think. She knows I would never wear stuff like this, only having jeans and shirts in my closet. But all I can think about is Rye, I cant think of an explanation. "It doesn't matter." I simply say as she looks at me confused, cupping my face gently with her small hands making me look at her. "Mum I am just tired can I go to bed please?" I begged her; I faked a yawn knowing she could never say no to her only child. She nodded and let me go to my room, I went upstairs slowly still faking my sleepy act, knowing full well my mum would be watching me like a hawk. I ventured into my room and locked the door, discarding my finished crisp packet in my bin, before falling on my bed feeling actually tired now as silent tears trickling down my face, the thought of Rye wont get out of my head. I told him I would text him, but I couldn't. I was too tired, sad and vulnerable at the same time and this is not the best combination. I got into my pyjamas wiping my tears as I went and put my phone on the table beside me. I went to sleep picturing Ryes teary face as he waited impatiently for my text that would never come.

The next morning
My alarm woke me up at 7am.
Omg I fell asleep with the thought of him...
What if I never see him again?
At least I know where he lives but I don't know if I should go there...

I stood up from the bed and went to dress myself for school. I put on my ripped black Jean's and a hoodie. I put Rye's clothes that I borrowed into my cupboard. Then I went to fix my hair, brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was ready I took an apple (which I will eat on the way) and my bag and left for school. I was walking slowly because I had plenty of time, I just needed a good walk by myself to adjust to the things that happened yesterday and the day before that.
It was just too much and the kisses we shared, how close we were, his soft words, when he was crying, his arms and warm embrace, his past...
"Hey mate." I heard Shaun's voice coming from behind me where he stood with Sam, they gave me a massive hug asking me were I was those two days, what happened and stuff, but just said that everything's fine and they don't have to worry about anything. Then Luka came, as cheery as ever. We were walking to school as they were talking and laughing and I was just staying behind them thinking about the boy who kidnapped me...


I feel strange and I don't know why. I feel empty like something Is missing, but I don't know what. It feels so weird without Rye. It's been a week since we haven't seen each other or talked. I want him to talk to me, hear his voice but I don't know why. This feeling is like the one in the movies. You meet a person who you think is bad and think you will hate them, but then you find yourself liking them more than you should. Ugh and the worst thing is that I can't tell anyone, I promised him but when I text him he doesnt reply, I know he is busy, he probably doesnt want anything to do with me again. "Andrew Fowler answer the question." The strict voice of Mr Green dragged me back to reality. I looked up at him not knowing what the question was about. He looked at me from afar, his grey eyebrows knitted together into a frown and his balding head covered in grey mattered hair. "I didnt hear the question sorry." I confessed honestly as I looked down at my desk again. He just sighed and continued with the lesson. I couldnt help myself from drawing little blue hearts onto my workbook, adding his name into any space I could find to speculate the point. Maybe I really do miss him.

The bell rang as I quickly got up with my bag to try and get out of the classroom as quick as possible. However, before I could even reach the door, Mr Green stopped me abruptly in my tacks. We need to talk Andrew. He commended. I turned around and went to his desk immediately, not wanting to make him angry. We waited relentlessly for my classmates to go out of the room. "So what's up with you lately, Andrew? This whole week you were tired, you are distracted easily, not answering my questions." He pointed out as I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I just looked down sighing. "I just have personal problems." I admitted as he nodded his head in understanding and he smiled warmly. "Okay if you need someone to talk to I am always here Andrew." He soothed as I replied with a little smiled and walked out of the room. I wanted to cry and scream and shout, I cant take it anymore. I need him, I like him... I miss him. "Hey Andy." I heard Luka saying behind me as he waltzed closer. "Hey Luka." I sighed, he looked at me concerned. while we continued to walk to the cafeteria. "What's up?" He inquired as I just shook my head and plastered on a little fake smile.

"Too many things."

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