1.1K 43 8

Oh My God!! Thank you guys so much for 1 thousand votes on Lost, which was my first randy fanfic I wrote on here. And also, that same book is nearly on 20 thousand reads too. That's insane and I am so very grateful for everyone who has voted and read my book. I am also grateful for my sequel book Found that has nearly 8 thousand reads, which is also amazing. Also for my two new books I am writing that are The Devils Soulmate and My Famous Alpha, as one has got 3 thousand reads and the other has just reached 2 thousand reads. This is insane.
When I started writing Lost, I never thought anyone would read it, never mind making a sequel or even writing two more book on top of that.
Therefore, I am internally grateful for everyone who has even read a chapter of one of my books, it really means a lot.
UPDATE: I am thinking of doing a oneshot randy book. I think this will be after I finished writing The Devils Soulmate, as I am closer to finishing that one. Tell me if you would want to read it. Or if I should just do a gay oneshot book with random boys in each story.
Anyway love you all. And I will see you on the flip side. ✋

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