Chapter 13 - Let Me Teach You How To Love

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Andy's POV
Sniffles and short intakes of breath jolted me awake, the sunlight hurting my eyes, as I realised it must be about lunch time now. I heard him sniff again, why is he crying? He hugged me close seeking comfort, feeling his wet tears soak my tops shoulder. I sighed, he really is so beautiful, I dont want to see him cry. I placed my hand on his cheek feeling the tear tracks, he shivered and looked at me startled. I rubbed his moist cheek with care like a mother would to her crying child. I smiled softly at him as he did the same, his smile weak ghosting his bravery. He then took a deep breath through his mouth holding it there, calming himself down to speak and I readied myself for whatever he has to say. You can go He quietly spoke as he breathed back out. My eyes widened with surprise; I didnt think he would say something quite like this. I dont understand, is he really letting me go? Rye I- I started not knowing what to say, but he cut me off anyways. Just go okay!... He roared frustrated It would be better for both of us. He mumbled his head hanging low and he tried to stand up, but I held onto his arms. Andy let go! He demanded threateningly as he glared daggers into my soul, I shook my head boldly. Why? He answered weakly lowering his harsh tone as he gave up and slumped back on the filthy bed. I turned my head towards him, seeing new tears running down his face and plinking onto his jeans like they were running away from him. And thats when I realised, people have been leaving him all his life. His parents, his friends, even that nice old lady he told me about that took him in, she ended up dying of old age and leaving him as well. Therefore, I am not going to leave him I promise myself and to him, that I will not leave. This is because he has no one and I am actually starting to really like him, so Im staying. Because I like you a lot and I want to stay with you. I admitted as he sighed and avoided my eyes like a disappointed parent. Andy I am not able to love I will hurt you I already did. He breathed and I shook my head. I believe he is not like that; he is not the ravenous lion that wants to hurt people. Under that kidnapper disguise is a little frightened cub, who has had a bad past, who needs money to live and forgotten the one thing that he has been given the least throughout his life. Love, and I will help him, I will give it to him, if he will let me.

Then let me teach you how to love I requested and his eyes now fixed back to mine. It was quite for a few minutes and I gave him all the time he needed to think this over. He then proceeded to cup my face in his big hands bringing me closer, I thought he was about to kiss me again, but I was mistaken. I cant He whispered, pulling away. He managed to stand up this time, but I am not wanting to lose this fight for the lack of love. I pulled on his wrist making him jolt slightly backwards, I then stood up and connected our lips once again. At first he froze, me doing all the work, him probably too baffled to do anything. However, after a few seconds he joined in, both of us were kissing each other with passion and understanding. I cant describe how good it feels to kiss these lips. Then we pulled away from lack of breath. Our eyes locked on each other like a radar, asking questions but not receiving answers. I stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms carefully around his slender waist. He did the same connecting our bodies together in a warm embrace of affection. You should go. He whispered in my ear, this affection soon turning into a hurtful hug like we were saying our last goodbyes. He managed to let go and walked out leaving me alone in the room. I didnt know what to do. Was that it, my last encounter with him? I am annoyed at my confused thoughts obstructing my vow to not to leave him.

However, he came back in moments later to my relief and handed me a packet of ready salted crisps and my phone. He is serious, he wants me to leave, just when I was making him happy, he decided to make me leave too. I took the crisps holding them as I unlocked my phone anyways revealing a big predicament, 72 missed calls from my mother, as well as a few from my friends and stepdad. Dont tell them, please. Rye pleaded probably already seeing my notifications. I looked up, him looking at his feet as he moved them left and right in an anxious way, I smiled shaking my head. I wasnt going to. I claimed and he looked up at me, we both sharing weak smiles. Butterflies starting to come out of metamorphosis and flying around my belly again. Its so strange that Ive never experienced this feeling before. I dont know why he is different, but he just is, and I cant change it. Where are my clothes. I pondered softly knowing he still has them and wondering where they are. Well, um He started but I cut him off, knowing I wouldnt get them back. Its okay. I informed and he nodded shyly smiling. After a brief moment of us staring at each other I knew it was time, time to go back home. My mum must be worried sick, clearly evidenced by my missed calls and I cant imagine all the questions I would get from my friends tomorrow. But I will come back, I will come back. I kept saying, trying to convince myself. We ended up wandering to the big brown front door, me looking around again whishing this not to be the last time, as he stared longingly at my eyes. Will I see you again? I wondered, hope clearly visible as he looked down at his hands, playing with his fingers nervously. I-I He started saying, but I grabbed his shaking hands gently cutting him off and making him calm down. Is he scared of what Im going to do? I wont tell anyone, I promise. I whispered as he looked at me, his eyes swimming in an ocean of tears.

Oh Rye

Okay here is some money and yeah you can see me again, you know the address well you will see it and yeah Im sorry He stuttered out giving me a £10 note. I know exactly what he is sorry for and he shouldnt be. Dont be. I replied stroking his hands that were still in mine, before pulling him gently into my arms and he hugged me back. Everything is okay I will text you when I get home. I spoke softly next to his ear. I knew he already put his contact in my phone, having seen it earlier. When we broke apart, he took my small dainty hands in his big ones that looked like they could crush mine if he wanted to. I looked up observing his moves as he came closer giving me a peck on the lips as a goodbye kiss. I guess I will see you soon. He implied quietly and I smiled at him nodding in agreement. Yeah see you soon Rye, bye. Sadness clear in my voice.

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