Chapter 19 - You Are Not Weak

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Andy's POV
Taking his hand in mine, I felt him shiver from my sudden touch, but he seemed to accept it as he calmed down. We went out of his room, me leading the way to the other. When we entered it, I closed the door behind me as I let Rye's hand go. He collapsed onto the bed and laid on his back with the soft, stained pillow under his head. Before going to the bed where he was laying quite comfortably, I took my phone and turned it off. No interruptions. Going to him, I laid down, putting my head on his chest, him wrapping his strong yet soft arms around my tiny waist, pulling me closer to his perfectly shaped body. I closed my eyes just to enjoy this beautiful moment of me and him. However, he kissed my head returning me back to reality and making me look up at him. The question he asked me made shivers run down my spine. "Can we talk?" He offered ever so gently as I slowly nodded my head. He looking straight up, hoping to see stars but all he saw was the ceiling. I kissed his neck once to show him that everything's okay, he smiled a little, taking a deep breath before he started talking. Telling me what he was about to say was very serious. "I hate being alone and you know I am used to being left behind and used and stuff... so I am sorry I reacted like this... you probably think I am a weak cry baby." He mumbled quietly as I giggled at the last part. I hugged him even more tightly after he said those words. "You're not weak." Is all I said, but he knew what I meant; he knew that I believed in him. Thats why he laid more comfortable in the bed, turning his back so I was facing it. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to my body. My chest pressed flush to his back as I was trying to match his breathing. My eyes focusing on his back, his neck, the curly brown hair falling on it and the tiny silver necklace he had on. He looked amazing, even his back looked beautiful. Soon he started breathing heavily, telling me he had fallen asleep. I slowly moved my hand from his chest to the back of his neck. Gently caressing it with my thumb and massaging it a little bit, he groaned waking him up as I put a gentle wet kiss on it. He gave a big yawn as I went incredibly close to his ear. "Sleep Rye you need it." I whispered as he nodded quickly and soon fell asleep again. Deeper.

I was still watching him. Conceptually analysing every detail, with my head in one of my hands and my elbow pressed on the bed. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping, it was adorable. I kissed the skin behind his ear gently, he shivered as I smiled and laid down again. hugging him from behind, holding him closer to my body like he is everything I've ever wanted. Maybe he really is everything I've ever wanted, maybe more Maybe all I need to do was to wait for the fate that connected our lives and make them one, to meet us even if it was in a strange way, I just feel that this thing we have will last for a long time. I hope. I wasn't tired whatsoever entertaining myself by watching him sleep. However, even that made me bored after a while, I didn't know exactly what to do. Therefore, I decided to stand up from the bed and go explore this house once again. Carefully removing my arms from his sleeping body and standing up from the bed, I grabbed my phone and turned it on seeing the time. Its 4 pm and my mum hasn't called me, remembering all those calls last time that's very surprising. I put my phone back into my pocket and went out of the room by opening the small wooden door so carefully, hearing it creak. Looking back to see if the sleeping beauty hasnt woken up and thankfully he hasnt. I would hate to wake him up, he needs his sleep.

I didnt bother to close it, knowing it would just make a noise, so I left it and wondered straight into his room. The last time I was in here, I only saw parts of it, as I was racing with the clock to look at all the other rooms before he got home, now though I am going see it all. I started walking around while looking at the shelves of the oak bookshelf next to his bed. Looking at the different pictures, books, and movies. I wanted a closer look, see what they are and why they meant so much to Rye that they were placed on this bookshelf so close to his bed and not on the other one. However, I was too small to reach any of them. Therefore, I got on the bed and grabbed one of the photos that I could actually reach. It was of him and some boy. Rye was beautiful, he didnt look too young maybe 11 or 12. He looked adorable with his big curly hair and that smile, omg.. The other boy was beautiful too, he also had brown curly hair and they looked almost the same with the boy being shorter than Rye. I looked at the photo of Ryes family hung on the wall, then looked back at this picture, I examined both photos and realised, this could be Leo and his brother when they are older. Rye didn't say he had a brother though. Maybe I should ask him I looked up at the shelves again to see another photo, again Rye but this time with a girl.

Who is she??

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