Chapter 20 - I Can Take Him Home

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Andy's POV
Who is she? She is really pretty actually. She has big hazel eyes and long straight brown hair. She is beautiful and Rye... he is just perfect here, with his school uniform on. The black blazer and white shirt underneath tucked into his black trousers and shiny leather shoes to top it off, to be honest the uniform suits him so much. I wonder what he would look like in a suit. However, in this photo they look about 14 or 15, I don't know but they look... cute together I guess. In the photo Rye had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him like she is everything to him... but can she be...? I quickly put the photos back there on the shelves, shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts. I looked through the books that were there, one of them was called "Love, Simon". I have never read this book personality, but people say it is good and it is about gays. Maybe I can ask him to let me borrow it so I can read it, there was also a book called "The Fault In Our Stars". Then the book next to that caught my eye. It was black, fluffy with a little yellow symbol on, I could make out a heart shape in the middle of three spiralling petal shapes. To me it looked like a heart that wanted to love but was caged. Like Rye.

I jumped off the bed and carefully left his room, going into the kitchen. I was really hungry, so I was going to see if there was something to eat. I entered the room and the view of the kitchen just terrified me. First the walls were all dirty and old, second the smell in here was discussing and oh no I think I just saw something moving in the left hand corner. Last time I was in this kitchen was for a brief moment to see what room it was, but it wasn't this bad before. What had happened? My eyes started filling with tears. How can he live in this mess? I want help him, it is disgusting, all the rooms are disgusting, the whole house is. And I am rich with a big house and lots of food to eat. I looked down, compared to Rye I am fat with the amount of meet on my bones compared to him. Well here is the answer Andy. Omg... I really should take up on that promise and do something for him... Then an Idea came into my head. I can take him home.

I came into the room where Rye was sleeping like a baby, determined to make my idea happen. I entered it quietly and slowly to not wake him up. When I gazed at him to my surprise he was already awake and had this big smile on his face. He looked like a baby that had just received a big chocolate bar for being good. I smiled at him as I walked to the bed. Sitting down as he gently grabbed my hands. He was crossing them with his thumbs as I was looking in his eyes and his in mine. I felt the connection between us, the kind of connection I haven't felt with anyone else. It was like unlocking a trap and breathing in relief because you have escaped, your free, it was like unlocking the strong, black closet again that I was locked up in for years. All of my body was willingly giving itself to him, my body wanted him, butterflies started flying fast in my stomach tickling my insides. My blood started rushing faster and faster, my heart started beating like mad and making me want to jump of happiness, and all of this just because his soft skin touched mine for a few seconds. "You okay?" He queried quietly looking concerned at me, his big honey eyes locked with mine. I smiled at how caring he was, he is not that scary boy that wanted to rape me anymore, he is a loving, cuddling and caring boy that I think I am falling in love with. "Yeah, I am fine." I simply say, but it came out as more of a whisper. He raised his eyebrows at me as he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. When his lips touched mine, I felt amazing, I felt like I am in a different world far, far away from here, the world of love. It was for seconds, but it was more than enough to make me smile like a lovesick idiot. "I want to ask you something." I spoke quietly as he smiled and nodded his head. "Go on." He assured me. I took a deep breath, letting myself calm down first. Wait will he want to go with me?

This maybe hard...

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