Final chapter - I Love It

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(Rye's POV)
"I won't leave you, please stop thinking about this. Now I am here with you and I'm not even willing to leave you. You make me happy. Why would I just throw my happiness away?" He said quietly looking at my eyes, deep into my soul, his eyes searching me. Then I looked at him too. He smiled but when he saw the tears the smile disappeared and his face became dark and sad. He immediately wiped the tears and pulled me into a hug. The most intense and warm hug I have ever had. He was holding me strong as I was holding him tightly.
"I won't leave." He repeated quietly just to make sure that I know it. I can't believe him but I will try. When he says it maybe it's true? By the way it's hard to pull away from a hug too you know. To pull away from this warm embrace, away from the comfort that one simple hug can give you, away from the strong arms wrapped around you, to pull away from a safe place. It's just hard to pull away... and to leave.

Then the taxi arrived. After five minutes I found myself into the taxi car watching the people through the window walking on the lonely streets of the strange town while his hand was holding mine tightly stroking it with his thumb. Why is he doing this? I don't deserve it.
"Rye." He whispered like he knew that
I was sad, he knew that I wasn't okay and the best thing was that he accepted me as who I am. His voice made me turn to him just to meet the beautiful blue eyes of his.
"When we go there you have to meet my parents, but look don't worry they will like you, you're kind and sweet and funny and yeah they will love you" He said quietly with a big smile on his face
supporting his own words trying to make me believe in them. I just nodded and kissed his head, pressed our foreheads on one another and smiled.
"Thank you for everything." I whispered as he giggled and gave me a quick but amazing kiss on the lips, leaving my lips to taste something sweet like strawberries.

"Do you have a lipstick on?" I asked him with a grin on my face as he giggled again. He is too cute to be real omg.
"Yeah, do you like it?" He asked me and I could hear already the worry in his voice. I just smiled and connected our lips again this time for a little longer. When we pulled away I smiled at him looking at his gorgeous eyes, I licked my lips and grinned.
"I love it." I whispered as he smiled and few seconds later he was cuddled into me with closed eyes and quiet snores escaping his lips. "How can you sleep that much?" I whispered as suddenly he answered.
"Usually I don't sleep at all but when I am with you I can so I just use the opportunity." He said quietly as I looked at him concerned. I kissed his neck as he shrugged it off.
"It's alright, I am fine." He said as I pulled him even closer to my body.
"Now you will be able to sleep cause I will be there with you." I said as he turned his head to me and smiled as I did too. He gave me a quick kiss, then turned his head and moved closer to me trying to get comfy as he hugged me stronger and fell asleep.

He looked adorable, he is adorable. He looked so small lent against me, the sound of the quiet music and slow cute snores filled the air as the taxi slowly rocked the little sleeping angle making him rub his head against my chest. It felt weird, usually I am the little one, the one that needs to be looked after, the one that needs help, the broken boy that people pity. I usually feel small, feel helpless like everything in my past and all my thoughts are going to swallow me whole. Like they are going to make me apart of the darkness. However, looking at Andy know, I get this warm feeling, a feeling like I have to look after him, he looks so small and fragile like a baby, like if i hugged him too tight or kissed him too hard then he will break, he will chatter like glass in my hands. Whenever I'm with Andy it feels right. I want to believe him, I really want to believe that he won't leave me. And I hope he doesn't because for the first time in my life I don't feel different or abandoned.

For the first time ever I don't feel alone. And hopefully I'm not anymore...

*Look out for the sequel called FOUND*

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