Chapter 17 - The Awkward Meet Up

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Rye's POV
I went out of the house and went to work. It was boring like always. I am a waiter in a small restaurant called 'Steve's Pizzas' and yeah. When I finished work, I got paid, I don't get paid much but it's something at least, and went home. I know, I know I have three other jobs but I called my bosses and told them I was ill and that I couldn't come in today. I didn't want to lie to them, but I can't tell them the real reason so yeah.
It was 12pm Andy was going to come in an hour.
Omg why am I so anxious? I went to my room to change my clothes. When I was ready I went to brush my teeth one more time and to fix my hair. Then I sat on the bed waiting for him to come...

Andy's POV
"Guys I won't be able to come to your house to study today." I said to them as we walked away from Luka's house having dropped him home and carried on with our Journey, another school day finished. Shaun raised his eyebrows at me, and Sam also looked quite shocked, as I always go to their house to study and I am not the type of person to ditch time with my friends. "But why?" Shaun asked sounding a little upset as I sighed and looked away. My eyes catching sight of a beautiful tortoise shell coloured cat strutting along the black shiny pavement next to us, her coat shining in the afternoon sun. I felt this need to pet it, but Sam stopped me by grabbing my arm and walking away while bringing me back to the point. Well why? Sam challenged, I looked at both of them, their chocolate brown eyes telling me I wont see a way out of this. Therefore, I let apart of the cave I was hiding in crumble away. "Because I have other things to do." I simply said as they looked at me confused, but then shrugged it off. "Ok well at least will you walk with us?" Sam wanted to know as he stared at me waiting for my answer. I know this will hurt them, but I cant tell them why I am really not walking them home like I usually do, I sighed and shook my head slowly bracing myself for what they would do. Sam gave out a shocked gasp, Shaun on the other hand looked more hurt than mad, as Sam started walking faster grabbing Shaun's arm and pulling him along with him. "Hey guys wait!" I shouted as they kept walking faster. Sam now pulling Shaun along by his blue shirt sleeve.

Well I guess I am alone now.

I watched my friends backs disappear into the distance, like an illusion as if they werent even here to begin with. I decided to carry on walking. I kept my head down, putting my pink headphones on and listening to songs trying to lift my mood. But I cant. No matter how hard I tried thoughts of my friends continued to slither around my mind like a snake twisting and turning every good memory backed with the memory from moments ago. I feel horrible, I just stabbed my friends in the back, for what? A person who kidnapped me and wanted to rape me, someone who is broken to pieces. Should I really risk my friendships for someone like him. Should I really want to help him. But he already knows Im coming, and I promised myself I would, I am not going to break that promise now. Therefore, I pulled my rucksack further up my shoulders and pressed on.

20 minutes later, I was almost in front of his house, I could already see it. Well it's hard to miss the only broken house on this street. My heart increased in tempo, my palms becoming sweaty and my knees are feeling weak, I felt like I was going to faint as scurried closer to the lions den. Drawing nearer and nearer to the house, where everything started. To the broken, beat up house. Rye's house. I strolled down the familiar path, passing by the discarded bricks that were once houses. When I was in front of the big wooden door I lightly knocked a few times, feeling my heartbeat increase with every knock that I sent vibrating through the house. After a few seconds, the door was opened and in front of me stood a smiling Rye, no tear tracks, no red eyes, no weak smile either it was a genuine happy smile that I cant deny that I have missed. I smiled back at him as he monitored for me to come inside and I did. We went in the room where I used to stay when I was kidnapped. Shivers went through my body when he closed the door behind him. I sat on the bed leaving my bag on the floor as he stood next to the door. "Soooo hey." He dragged out quietly as I instantly looked at him. Smiling weakly, him mimicking me. "Hey." I replied. It was so awkward; I didn't expect that. I looked down at my feet as he just sighed. Then I felt him coming closer to me and sitting on the bed. Now he was right next to me, our bodies almost touching. I slowly looked at him. We were so close. Our faces were inches away from each other. The air we breathe was the same.

Oh how much I crave his lips.

"Andy..." he whispered making me look at his eyes instead. "Yeah." I encouraged softly as he looked down and pulled away a little. But then for reasons unknown, I grabbed his chin gently as I felt him tremble. I made him look at me, so I was seeing these beautiful honey brown eyes of his that have haunted my dreams all week. "I-I..." He started saying as I shook my head. He went quiet again looking at my eyes. He came closer to my face, grabbing my hand and pulling it away forcefully. He crawled on top of me making me lay in the bed. Except this time, I didnt feel uncomfortable, I was enjoying it. I giggled as he smiled mischievously. I know right now that I really did want nothing else than to see his beautiful face all week "I missed you." I confessed quietly as he came closer to my lips. "Do you want me to kiss you Andy?" He whispered as I bit my lip looking innocently at his brown eyes, nodding my head slightly. He smiled and leaned in. But of course, I am the unluckiest person ever, my phone rang, and we had to pull away so I could see who is calling me right now. It was my mum, Oh I didnt tell her where I was, oh great. She wanted me home immediately.

"I'm sorry Rye, I have to go..."

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